Memorial Day 2008


Michelle owns my Busa
Staff member
I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank all those who are currently serving and those who have served.

It is truly appreciated, I thank you all very much!
All of us deployed enjoy the support no matter how small. Sometimes we forget we are appreciated when all we see here is hostility.
Although thank you is barely enough, to those who have fallen and moved on you will always live in our memories. Thank you for paying the ultimate price. To those who have been wounded thank you for your service, and wear the purple heart proudly, and for those who have made it home physically uninjuried thank you for your service.
God Bless All that have served & to All that will serve to keep our Country Free, Thank You !!

My thanks to those who serve! You keep me, my family, and my friends free and that is appreciated. Even though the media never shows the good that you do, we know you are doing good. Thanks to you, we live in the greatest country in the world. A country where even those that hate it are free to say so without fear of persecution. That is true freedom.
Thank you very much. Our men and women will always have our support. Come home safe.
I would also like to say think you for the support and I would like to think all the soldiers and US contractors serving over seas at this time think you for all you do!