Awesome ride, enjoyed it very much Bret and Bill
Both are "Good People" and great riders! We ran our Busa what they were built for and I can assure you there was no carbon left on the valves after our journey. I think I seen some black carbon sut coming from Brets bike the first few miles but not really sure since his bike is BLACK
Yeah, Bill hit a cat who else do you know that can knock out a piece of $#**@ while riding a busa 90 mph on a 2 lance country road? I felt bad for a man riding his horse and pulling another horse behind him as I came up over a hill and let off the gas and the popping began (no marble mod) before I could pull the clutch in the horse being walked didnt care for it very much :-(
I believe Bill blew Brets tag loose as he passed him on a straight away then The I on the SUZUKI lettering on the back of his jacket was about to come off hanging by a few stitches. I had to back off and didnt want to blow past them in fear my phone would fly off and hurt someone so I just stayed back a couple of bike lengths
I think it would be an equal run if we evened up the weight and strapped an 80lb. weight on Poppa Smurf Blue Busa
All in it was a great ride, no broken parts, bones or feelings and we all went home with what we came with and a little extra some aches and sore muscles along with a big Hayabusa Grin
Thanks again guys for the ride!