Met a hot chic the other day..but with the Covid....

Aaaaaahh. . . I'm not sure he is 'happy' . . .
From my experience . . this is the price you pay for being involved (as a partner) with a woman that has kids to another man, you take her on and that means you also take on her kids, (mothers are naturally VERY maternal and protective of their kids) but in this case also her Grandchildren. but when the kids are adults . . . well, you become the patriarch WITHOUT any executive power unfortunately . . . as a man, it's your choice whether you accept these terms . . or not.
If you accept the terms . . you shut the hell up and accept the crap,
If not . . you get the hell outta Dodge .
Hi. The kids was the only problem we had, till she found out about the busa and how fast I would like to try to go. [I have been over 200MPH in 2 cars and 1 bike. 232 down the back straight at Daytona Lola. 221MPH in 6.07 sec in the 1/4 mile in an 1984 corvette alcohol funny car. And 208 on my ZX 11 with a 1300 kit with nos speed calculated by RPM,final drive ratio and tire cercumference + or - ?] I know the busa will have the HP. I do not know if it will have the aerodynamics to go the speed I want, I hope I still have the guts to go the speed. It has been over 35 years sense I have been over 200 in fact I have not been over 110 in 5 years and that was on my HD and that was 1 time only. So now she wants to be over protective to me? She does not want me to race and now she does not want me to go to work! This is too much stress for me. My wife left me over racing. So if she does not like it she knows where the door is!
Hi. The kids was the only problem we had, till she found out about the busa and how fast I would like to try to go. [I have been over 200MPH in 2 cars and 1 bike. 232 down the back straight at Daytona Lola. 221MPH in 6.07 sec in the 1/4 mile in an 1984 corvette alcohol funny car. And 208 on my ZX 11 with a 1300 kit with nos speed calculated by RPM,final drive ratio and tire cercumference + or - ?] I know the busa will have the HP. I do not know if it will have the aerodynamics to go the speed I want, I hope I still have the guts to go the speed. It has been over 35 years sense I have been over 200 in fact I have not been over 110 in 5 years and that was on my HD and that was 1 time only. So now she wants to be over protective to me? She does not want me to race and now she does not want me to go to work! This is too much stress for me. My wife left me over racing. So if she does not like it she knows where the door is!

From one former soldier to another....

Brother, you've been through to much to allow yourself to be hand-cuffed by anyone or anything.

Get out there and live your life with your eyes wide open...
From one former soldier to another....

Brother, you've been through to much to allow yourself to be hand-cuffed by anyone or anything.

Get out there and live your life with your eyes wide open...
Hi I know, but she is nice eye candy. I think so anyway.

At work they all say how did you get her?

#CHINAvsUSA ~ #CoronaVirus ~ #CoVid19 ~ #VaccineWars ~ #THEoRg *


#CHINAvsUSA ~ #CoronaVirus ~ #CoVid19 ~ #VaccineWars ~ #THEoRg *

Not a bad war to have-there will be no losers in this war...battle on!!
Mike,listen to Ol' Rubb here for a second. You can do better. You posted her picture labeling her as "eye-candy" are you sure you are not just attracted to the T & A and not the personality,charm,wit,smarts,etc....those are supposed to be the important things...right? I know yer a star at work for bangin' the young hot one.Thats fun and cool and all but that thrill will wear off,and you'll unfortunately be left with all that you have posted. You need to climb aboard the thing she wants to take away (BUSA) and ride as fast as you can for the hills,and don't look back. This "relationship" has heartache/headache written all over it. None of us have to have spilled it all. She wants you to quit your job? Sell the Busa? What the fug is next Bro?
This may be a classic case of what alot of men fall prey to...
Yer letting your c0ck do your thinking for you. Time to start thinking with the big head,not the little one.
out of love. Rubb.
Mike,listen to Ol' Rubb here for a second. You can do better. You posted her picture labeling her as "eye-candy" are you sure you are not just attracted to the T & A and not the personality,charm,wit,smarts,etc....those are supposed to be the important things...right? I know yer a star at work for bangin' the young hot one.Thats fun and cool and all but that thrill will wear off,and you'll unfortunately be left with all that you have posted. You need to climb aboard the thing she wants to take away (BUSA) and ride as fast as you can for the hills,and don't look back. This "relationship" has heartache/headache written all over it. None of us have to have spilled it all. She wants you to quit your job? Sell the Busa? What the fug is next Bro?
This may be a classic case of what alot of men fall prey to...
Yer letting your c0ck do your thinking for you. Time to start thinking with the big head,not the little one.
Ranted...View attachment 1617280 out of love. Rubb.
Hi rubbersidedown. The 1st year was great. The 2nd is getting hard. like I said she knows here the door is. I also know how to lock it and keep her out. I will be sad for a time, but I will get over it. 2 girlfriends have died when we were together, so I know loss, also my EX wife died this past summer I did not think I would take it that hard but i did. Life goes on and so do I.
Life goes on and so do I.

Excellent attitude my brother. You are now entering that phase referred to as...
"The Honeymoon Is Over." All that new found love krap is over and now its just day to day. We all wish you luck,but some like me will have our doubts. We look out for one another for the most part,even when its not Busa related.Good luck,stay safe and Covid-Free. Rubb.
#FlirtingInApandemic ~ #RubbGoesInternetDating ~ #THEoRg *
#CoronaVirus ~ #CoViD19 ~ #SocialDistancingPickUpLines *