Michelin Pilot Power

(Suijuris @ Mar. 23 2007,19:32) Yep!Thats what I thought!! I KNEW you guys would come through, and prove my belief that the Mich-PP would be just fine. Went ahead and put a Diablo on. I only got 3200 out of the Brigstone. I weigh in at 205-210- cant understand how you guys are gettin so many miles out of a tire.

And since I plan on doing track days- (starting April 13th) I think I WONT be parting with the Michs just yet-- sorry-- Any one have a spare back wheel they want to part with?
By the way-- you guys that are nail magnets--- you gotta be CRAZY to patch a Z rated tire, and ride it on a Busa! You mean to tell me you would trust such a tire at 120 mph?
Hell-- even at 70mph-- I couldnt quit thinking bout a breached boot.
Sorry I don't patch. If fix-it-flat doesn't plug it, I install slime
, no I mean it.
(bigoltool @ Mar. 23 2007,22:38) OK I gotta ask since I heard it mentioned so many times in this thread. How exactly would you consider a certain brand of tire to be more of a "nail magnet" than another??? Nails are out there and if you drive over em I would think that independent of what kind of tire your on you are quite likely to take it with you as you pass.
If you have to ask
(bigoltool @ Mar. 23 2007,22:38) How exactly would you consider a certain brand of tire to be more of a "nail magnet" than another???
some tires are BDL rated...some are not.
Some are NFLAA, PDL, and others a just RGL.

BTW...BDL = Bad dumb luck...PDL = pure dumb luck, RGL = regular good luck...and NFGL = no f#@^ing luck at all.

there's no promises.

(BusaCruise @ Mar. 23 2007,19:54)
(bigoltool @ Mar. 23 2007,22:38) How exactly would you consider a certain brand of tire to be more of a "nail magnet" than another???
some tires are BDL rated...some are not.
Some are NFLAA, PDL, and others a just RGL.

BTW...BDL = Bad dumb luck...PDL = pure dumb luck, RGL = regular good luck...and NFGL = no f#@^ing luck at all.

there's no promises.

Now thats a rating system to believe in!
You maybe right, its too heavy for the tires so its last only 2~3k miles...and the original BT-56 will last least 10k miles...and noone welcomes the original tires...
(BusaCruise @ Mar. 23 2007,22:54)
(bigoltool @ Mar. 23 2007,22:38) How exactly would you consider a certain brand of tire to be more of a "nail magnet" than another???
some tires are BDL rated...some are not.
Some are NFLAA, PDL, and others a just RGL.

BTW...BDL = Bad dumb luck...PDL = pure dumb luck, RGL = regular good luck...and NFGL = no f#@^ing luck at all.

there's no promises.

And I read that shid



(hydrabusa @ Mar. 23 2007,20:18) You maybe right, its too heavy for the tires so its last only 2~3k miles...and the original BT-56 will last least 10k miles...and noone welcomes the original tires...
10K From a BT56 (rear anyways) would be a miracle.
(hydrabusa @ Mar. 23 2007,20:18) You maybe right, its too heavy for the tires so its last only 2~3k miles...and the original BT-56 will last least 10k miles...and noone welcomes the original tires...
eh? My 56 was gone at 2500 and that was before I learned what hard riding was. fine tire the 56, just not GREAT at anything. Stuck pretty well
(hydrabusa @ Mar. 23 2007,23:18) You maybe right, its too heavy for the tires so its last only 2~3k miles...and the original BT-56 will last least 10k miles...and noone welcomes the original tires...
My original tire went 5K, but I had just bought the bike and kept it under 4K the first 600 and 7K the next 2K miles, and was getting use to the bike. No squid in this picture. The next two tires a Mtzler and a PP2CT got about 3.5 K each, and I was riding a heck of a lot more aggressive and in the winter. Winter meaning burning rubber when hitting second gear. This bike is heavy, but has an azzload of torque.
Another PP fan here....work well.

Stick like glue....seem to wear better than the OE stones...
Say what you all want, but I've found the Metzeler to be the best all-around tire. They fit any style of riding. I race with mine, and also do a little cornering, and they've been super. The Metzeler has actually built my confidence to lean Kennedy over real far...
But, I'm getting super reviews on the Avons, and after I wear out my Sportec M1s, I will be looking at the Avon and possibly the Pilot Powers. Just depends on my mood at the time.
(Kento-Moto @ Mar. 24 2007,03:22)
(vman1300 @ Mar. 23 2007,16:28) The Powers work just fine for the Busa.

Best all around tire on the market today IMO.

I tip the scales at 340 and wife is 125. No issues at all.

Keep in mind, match the tire with the type of riding you do.

A couple of 2 up shots on Pilot Powers.
Ditto!  The new Dunlop Qaulifiers are also good but donr wear as well.
I've got Qualifiers on the Gixx. Awesome tire! I like it better than the PP's b/c of the excellent grip/side grip and sidewall stability. But you're right on the money in terms of wear. I've done 2 trackdays with them and they look like they're going rEAL FAST!! But just like the PP's, they're predictable and you know when they're going. The slide is very predictable, which is a plus.
(Justyntym @ Mar. 23 2007,10:15)
(Postal @ Mar. 23 2007,07:17) I love my Powers! Stick great in the heat, a little slippery in the cold. My only complaint.

HPC sells the Avons, and I understand they are a superior tire!

Good luck.

I'm curious about the AVONS...don't they also come with road hazard.

As I've gotten 2 nails in 2 different Powers (rears btw), road hazard alone would make Avons worthy of consideration, should they be a superior tire to the powers...well, well...hmmm.

As far as Powers on a Busa, other than being a nail magnet (Do'know maybe it's just me  
) I've been very please with them. Wish I could actually wear a set out...
funny you mentioned that.....a nail is what took out my last set of PPs as well....hmm...maybe you're on to something with PPs being a nail magnet!
10k was stretching...but I had a nailed on 4500 and it was just bearly worn (so I was guessing it 10k) M1 6500 out of it(no one gets that out of M1..) now I got shinko raven 4500 on it 1/3 threads left on it...which I expected more...) guess I'm easy on the rubber...
i got a set of PP's to last 5K miles....but they were down to the wear bars by 4K and i spent the last 1K "Babying Bologna Skins"...now i have a set of Dunlop Quali's and i'm just barely tagging the wear bars on the rear tire at 3K miles...might get another 500-1,000 miles out of'em....my findings and impressions?...

"The Pilot Powers"


1. Ultra Light and Quick Steering.

2. Great traction levels....

3. Especially for a tire that stands up to agressive riding miles this well.

4. Light mass weight.

5. Real "Plush Riding".


1. Steering is almost "Too Quick"..."(especially when new)...in a "it hasta be babysat to hold a straight line" sorta way.

2. Somewhere's between 3,500 & 4K miles mine seemed to get a bit slippery...started spitting the rear out noticably sooner and "skidding events" seemed to become more frequent.

3. The "Plush Ride" comes from some very "Bump Compliant" yet?...extremely thin (and sometimes "lively") sidewalls....as in..."scary thin" sidewalls.

"The Dunlop Qualifiers"


1. Steering is not quite as quick as the PP's but still extremely light and plenty fast enough with "Zero Fall In" feelings...very confidence inspiring and you feel "Hard Wire Conected" and in total control from and at all angles of lean.

2. Traction levels which are superior to any other sportbike tires i've ridden on in my life.

3. In complete contrast to the PP's?...the quali's don't rely on thin sidewalls to achieve a smooth ride...as the quali's sidewalls are super thick and stout...yet the carcuss structure/compound seem to do a very adequate job of handling bump compliance while the thick stout sidewalls result in....

"Super Stable Cornering"


1. They weigh more than PP's

2. You won't "Get Spiked" by bumps in the road but you'll know they were there...for obvious reasons?...not quite as plush riding as the PP's.

3. The traction levels come at a price...about 20% less milage than the PP's get. (but imnsho?...a price well worth paying for the performance and safty aspects recieved)

Summerize?...a non-agressive sport/tour type rider may appreciate the powers more while the corner carvers amidst us will find the great virtues delivered by the quali's more desirable and fitting to their riding styles...both are great products but after riding the quali's i wouldn't be real happy about going back to PP's but then again?...if i needed rubber quick and that's all my dealer had in stock?..i wouldn't be too disappointed taking PP's either...but i gotz some real trust issues going on with the PP's after seeing how thin and weak the sidewalls are...so...maybe not on the PP's...can you say "Bi-Polar"?

L8R, Bill.
I have to agree on the skid, when worn out part. The steel belts don't grip for shid. Got two on order now.
( PP 2CTs )
(dadofthree @ Mar. 24 2007,08:34) I have to agree on the skid, when worn out part. The steel belts don't grip for shid. Got two on order now.  
  ( PP 2CTs )
But your missing the most fun part!!!


Great for night riding!