Michelin PP2ct question?

Was riding with a guy who went down on warm Bridg. BattleCRAPS. There was no sand, gravel, nothing in the road. Just crap tire. Changed as soon as I got back. Just my 2 cents.

OEM or aftermarket? The OEM BT016 (from what I've been told) is not the same as the after market. I had a few Oh shizzle moments with the OEM tire in the canyons and then went and got some Corsa III's.
Well, we all have opinions, mostly I hope, based on personal experience. I've been through 4 1/2 sets of 2 CT's and loved them until I went to the track. I experienced 3 "step outs" and another rider actually followed me off the track and said, "dude, do you realize how much your rear end is broadsliding when you accelerate?" I know good riders get loose under control all the time....it's just I really didn't feel the connection with the tires under 9/10ths riding. Now that I know the 2CTs limits, I'm guessing that the Bridgestone limits may be superior.
Some have suggested it's because all PP's get greasy when really hot, I think that's accurate. When I mounted Pilot Races, the hotter they got, the better they were. Not good street tires though.
ANYWAYS, I'm also going to Bridgestones on the street, too many people on the org say too many good things about em to ignore em!
below are pilot races and my LAST PP's!


Just purchased a 016 for the rear my GenII, Haven't had a chance to try it out yet. Waiting on my swing arm to return.:thumbsup:
i have the pilot road 2ct's and love them so far. decent grip...way better than stockers but not as good as a full on sport tire like Avon supersports or regular pilot powers...but havent had any wheel slippage issues and have gotten more miles out of the back tire than any other tire i have tried.

about 3500 miles so far and that includes a week at the dragon. front looks about 80% still, rear about 30-40% tread left before it will need replaced.

most i ever got out of other sport tires was about 2000 (one set of avon supersports got me about 1100 miles on the rear)...stock got me about 2300 but i couldnt wait to change those...hated 'em
Went out for the first ride on the 016’s today.
They are awesome!
One thing I noticed was they soak up the bumps better that the PP’s.
Seems to ride a lot smoother.

Go and try a set for yourself, you will be pleasantly surprised!

Thanks to all for recommending them, and Tuf you were right.:bowdown:
Went out for the first ride on the 016’s today.
They are awesome!
One thing I noticed was they soak up the bumps better that the PP’s.
Seems to ride a lot smoother.

Go and try a set for yourself, you will be pleasantly surprised!

Thanks to all for recommending them, and Tuf you were right.:bowdown:

I was confident if I could just get you on a set of 16's you'd never go back to PP's. I've actually convince many to try a better tire and some were quite hesitant to give up their beloved PP's. However, most I converted to Qualifiers (Which I still think are the best of the bunch in performance street tires) but with the 16's being less money and rate right up there with the quailfier, I too have purchased 16's. Everybody wants to save money, even me! :please: The best part is, not one person I have converted has gone back to the PP's including the 2ct's!

Good Man mikey, you'll be pleasantly pleased with this new generation tripple compound tire! :beerchug:

If you take them to a track day try 30/30 psi. For romping hard in the twisties I'd go a bit higher, maybe 32/32 and for everyday riding I run 34/34. You'll get more miles if you run them a bit tighter but I much prefer grip over mileage.
Thanks Tuf.
I ran 36/36 in my PP's and had that in the 16's today and it was a bit hard.
I will try 34/34 tomorrow. :thumbsup:
I went out today and did another test on the 016’s.
We have a good twisty road in the foothills, but it is extremely bumpy, so much so that I could not enjoy it with my PP’s.
I haven’t been on it for a year and a half or so, and I tried it today.
It is still bumpy, but these new 016 tires soaked up way more than the PP’s did and the ride was enjoyable.
This is consistent with the test in Sport Rider where tester Kunitsugu liked the 016 "stability under braking but especially accelerating over bumps."
2 thumbs up for handling in the bumps! :thumbsup: