Mile Zero Ride in the Planning

John will have to tell you the importance of the bars, I think Hemingway liked to hang at Sloppy Joes




Robert wanted me to tell about the Bull and Whistle and the Garden of Eden Bars.
The Bull is the 1st floor.
The Whistle is the 2nd floor.
The Garden of Eden is the top floor. The garden of eden is clothing optional.
Neither of us wanted to see the old, wrinkled tourists naked so we didn't go up there.

Here's the reason Robert wanted to go to Key West:

I had a minor problem and couldn't ride my Busa, that's why the bike in Robert's picture is a Honda ST1300.
We had a great time, and ate a lot. The seafood in Key West isn't really very local, the good stuff is all exported to the mainland.
They do have good coffee!!!!


Got a letter from FDOT today, I was thinking freaking red light, but no being told I bypassed a toll station. Not happy :banghead:
You didn't by pass a toll booth, it's toll-by-tag in S. Florida. There's so much traffic that they couldn't keep up if they all had to stop for the tolls.