(Charlesbusa @ Jul. 18 2007,13:50)
(Lamb busa @ Jul. 17 2007,21:45) Vinny and Charles! Whats the driving plan? Can we take over the paddock on Sat. night? What is the ideal meet time at the track?
Nothing set in stone yet,
but I "think" it'll go like this.
MR BA BUSA will get there Friday and possibly ride the Saturday open trackday.
I believe you and Vinny will leave on Friday and get there sometime on Saturday.
I'm leaving EARLY Saturday morining and I think I'll be bringing Ryan with me while Vinny brings Ryan's bike.
And we all leave for home on Monday.
Don't know when Lou&Nan will arrive. Don't know when Owen will arrive. And I assume Rocketman will be spending the nights at his house since he lives in the Salt Lake City area. Don't know when the Hongs will arrive. Don't know when Busawhipped will arrive.
At least I "THINK" this is what's going to happen.