Minor Backfiring & Other Stuff


I got the instructions from a site that seems to be down right now but here's a link to another site that seems good.


I cut off the hose to the airbox hose to about 1 inch, then removed it, filled one end with gasket-maker and reinstalled it when it was set up (basically I just made a plug). For the small hose i did the same thing and put a bolt in with the gasket-maker goop. I went to a machine shop and got a small piece of 3/16th aluminum plate for the block-offs. I used a very thin film of gasket maker on the plates and then hand-tightened them snug (not too tight or the goop will squirt out, and possibly in) then tighten it all the way once it set up. I have had no problems but the thought of a peice of that gasket going insde still makes me nervous so I would justs buying gaskets or gasket material for that part.

Hope this helps.