
mirror - choose mirror

  • option one shape

    Votes: 42 100.0%

  • Total voters
Maybe just me, but seems pretty easy.  The square ones don't do anything for the lines of the Busa.
Well, it doesn't look like you need any help in the 'voting' department...

#1, please.
this #1 or #2 thing is too subjective...those hooked on looks and fashion?...they'll go for #1...but those like myself who prefer function over form?...the choice is also an easy one...#2...for it's increased viewing area.

If i use'im?..i want'em to be "usable"...and i use'im.
OK, thanks for all the opinions. Just before I was going to order the #1 at like $ 340 I checked at my dealer for other carbon mirror options. WOW, LP carbon ( real cabon ) mirrors that look simular to the #1 of Moto-works but only $109. Finaly after two month backorder wait here they are. Nice, but not the quality of glass...get what you pay for

I sell these,there made for a busa and wont move under speeds..and you can actually see out of them!!

only available in polished right now..$250..

Those LP mirrors really look nice, but I am still fond of the the mirrors on the ZX-12. I am going to figure out a way to fabricate some kind of bracket that will allow the ZX-12 mirror to be put on my Busa. It can be done, and I will figure something out.