

Just an FYI for other guys. If your wife asks you a question and you think she is being sarcastic...she might not be.


Wifey asks me, What do you think my friend should do with her hair?

My response: Umm what like using shampoo and a brush?

Ultimately...that was the wrong answer, she was not being sarcastic. She meant haircut and color.

Hey, even I know you can't expect a guy to answer something like that correctly...that's just asking for trouble

Glad to see you're still alive and posting...

Your're married, but you clearly haven't learned the rules of the game yet.

Repeat after me:

I'm sorry

It's all my fault

Whatever you say dear
(DAB @ Jun. 12 2007,12:04) Your're married, but you clearly haven't learned the rules of the game yet.

Repeat after me:

I'm sorry

It's all my fault

Whatever you say dear
What do you want for your anniversary ?

Wifey - Nothing, I don't need anything.

Oh yeah, go with that one
(DAB @ Jun. 12 2007,09:04) Your're married, but you clearly haven't learned the rules of the game yet.

Repeat after me:

I'm sorry

It's all my fault

Whatever you say dear
You forgot " I don't know, what do you think!"
That's kinda
like a wife asking, " Honey, how do you think I look' ? Yea, like I'am gona say anything but, "Why, You Look Great Dear"

I might have been born in the morning, but it wasn't YESTERDAY morning  
that's right up there with her turning to you and asking, "Do you think she is pretty?"

at the moment she may take the answer ok but the next time she gets mad, you will definitely hear about it

btw ladies, what is the correct answer for that one? i've never gotten it correct...if i say "yes", i get accused of wanting to be with her...if i say "no", i get accused of lying...it's a no-win situation
Semi, it kinda of depends on how you answer the "yes". If you just say, "yeah, she's okay", in your regular voice, then usually that is okay. But if you answer yes to quickly with your tongue hanging out (Figuratively), then that would be where you go wrong. The tone in your voice says alot more than the actual words.

Cap and I don't usually don't agree on who is pretty and who's not. I guess good thing he liked me.
Drool is very bad. Eye positioning is also a key. If your eyes are anywhere below hers, this is bad. No wonder you get in trouble.
i'll see if i can work on some of this...of course, if i ever quit looking, you might want to check if i still have a pulse
Excellent advice, Mrs Cap. Should work most of the time but there are so many variables in those situations you just can't be 100% positive that some nerve won't get plucked - even when you think that nerve has been dormant for years....