That's what I meant, not Tricktape...they have other junk.Picked the decal kit up from Tapeworks part #3166dokay puck. tell me where you got the chrome Suzuki badging that is on your lower fairings.... must... get....
I've done quite a bit of work to my bike...But I did the polishing myself...Still have a few pieces to go...By the way your bike looks a lot like mine...So I would say that I'm collectively well in to the 3g's area...I'VE ENJOYED MOD-ING MY BIKE BUT MY BANK MANAGER STATES OTHER WISE AND SO DOES MY GIRLFRIEND. I GET A SUDDEN SPATE OF DEAFNESS, YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!!!!!!!!!!
The poll seems to be working now, thanks guys. Now we need to make this one dissapear and use the second one I created. It goes up to $10K for people like Mr. ZX.$5,000 X4 or more Redefinning My Busa
Thats just the first Busa.
I ain't even done yet!
It looks like the second one is gone, but that was the better one! Hmmm!The poll seems to be working now, thanks guys. Now we need to make this one dissapear and use the second one I created. It goes up to $10K for people like Mr. ZX.$5,000 X4 or more Redefinning My Busa
Thats just the first Busa.
I ain't even done yet!
Can ya help a brotha out here?
im with you, i plan to keep it simple, easy to fix if anything goes wrong-1 tooth front sprocket and a TON of throttle, the bike still scares the crap out of me. When I think about upgrading, I give it a "dirtbike throttle" grip, and this bike tries to rip my arms off.
I love when people ask "dood this what you need, First a full system, then shave the head, then get a turbo and a stretched swing arm, then you need to PC3, cams, NOS, overbore kit, etc...."
I'm like WHOA! this isnt a f*ckin GS500, it already has 162rwhp!
For some people, there is no end to how much power they want. No thanks, I'll keep it mostly stock and use all the power I have with an aggressive throttle hand. Some sick people out there
WOW the confidence in busa riders amazes me... ouchTrying to keep it real. I use mine as a daily driver to SF.
The more ya put on the more you have to replace when
you get hit. Any trust me you'll get hit some day. :12: