Mods to be done at the bash?

Dear Kyle & Friends

I'd like to get the suspension dialed in on my '08 'Busa, too. I don't mind paying US$25. I weigh about 260 pounds, and though the bike feels good to me as is, I'm sure the suspension isn't right for my heft. My guess is that the suspension is set up for someone in the weight range of 150-180 pounds.

Kyle, I want to ride with you and the Tampa group up to the Bash. Please keep me in the loop. I live less than a mile from 985 right off of Highway 20.

(By the way, another member and his buddy were observed speeding from a helicopter when they were on 985 and were given citations. I don't know if his citations will stand up in court, but I thought I'd point that out since you'll probably make some use of 985.)


Love to have you along on the ride, looks like right now we'll either meet over at the varsity on Jimmy carter or out towards my house around where hwy 124 meets hwy 78. If you don't wanna backtrack to us, we can just hook up with you at a gas stop off the interstate.

No need in going more than 10 over on 985.. it's boring.. who wants to get a useless ticket just so they can get somewhere 20 minutes earlier.. if i'm gonna speed.. it won't be on an interstate.. but thanks for the heads up!

See ya Soon!
Throttle body sync. and fan switch

I could help out on oil changes, chain adjustments, idle adjust, throttle play adjustment, if needed.
Rear suspension set up assist would be great. I just had the fronts done by Traxxion Dynamics.  

Also fluid change in lines. Have the fluid already. Got the rear brakes done last year but anticipated new lines and never did fronts or clutch. Mod money went out window with promotion...again.
Rear suspension set up assist would be great. I just had the fronts done by Traxxion Dynamics.  

Also fluid change in lines. Have the fluid already. Got the rear brakes done last year but anticipated new lines and never did fronts or clutch. Mod money went out window with promotion...again.  
I can help with flushing the lines...
All we need for these mods is duct tape and WD40. If it isn't supposed to move but does, use duct tape. If it is supposed to move but doesn't, use WD40.
Sounds like it was good idea to install a first aide kit my trailer, and I know Hal is set up, so let the games begin!
I received some of the spare parts from the pay it forward thread. Thanks to all who have donated. The trailer will be set up to do all sorts of work. If nothing else we can get someones bike and show those of you who may not know how to do the standard things like chain maint., brake pad changes, etc.
I will be happy to help on some of the stuff too, I willn't change tires, don't want to be responsible to ding someone's rim, but I can tell you how to do it! I will bring typical tools, and stands, too... I will have a few spare parts just in case someone has a mishap, too...