More Dragon Pics


Okay, now that I figured out what was wrong, here are a couple more pics at the dragon this weekend. This one is a pic of my buddy Chris and myself at the overlook.

This is the whole group. I can't remember everyone's name, so TNJ or Pure Ego can help me out. I wish we had a chance to ride together again.

Last pic, this is the tree at the crossroads. Not quite sure what they call it, but I think the picture speaks for itself. Just glad I didn't see any busa parts hanging off it.

Nice photos, that is one busy little place on weekends.

paistes5, Yea, we'll get together again either there or somewhere later this summer. In the photo to your right is my son Chris, Ego,TNJ, Mike, and another Chris.
My buddy was tearing me up on the dragon with his 929, but we had a great time. On the way home we were just cruising along at about 80 or so, when we came over a hill and a big huge grin came across my face. There was a mile or so long stretch of flat straight road. Time to get even. Dropped it into third and didn't see him again until we got to the stop sign a few miles down the road. You gotta love the power of the busa. Revenge is sweet.