More problems!


Hayabusa Immortal
Well, the bike was running perfectly Friday night. I went to start it this morning and it won't run. It starts, barely idles, but as soon as I open the throttle, it stalls. Just opened it up and checked a few vacuum lines. Not sure what to look at now.

Even if I could have made it to the bash this weekend, looks like this would have kept me home. What is with my luck?
No thoughts?

I still need to get the battery charger back so I don't kill it starting it again. All four injectors are working. I didn't test for spark, but if one were not firing, I should get an FI code. I'm thinking it has to be something simple, like a loose hose or something. Doesn't make sense that it just stops running all of sudden.

So frustrated right now.
I'm at a loss. Ran it again tonight. It was running like crap, even backfired bad through the intake. It started idling a bit smoother, and ran with a little throttle, but stalled if I blipped it more than half.

So, I just let it idle and warm up. Now it runs very smooth again.

Guess I'll try again in the morning when it's cool to see if it does it again. I swear, one way or another, this bike is going to be the end of me.
Yes, bad fuel, it looks like.

Started again this morning, ran rough until it was warm. Checked for air leaks in the intake manifold, but it's tight.

I'll see if a fresh tank fixes it. This stuff is several weeks old already.
sounds fuel (pressure or quality) got a pressure gauge? FI pumps can do strange things just prior to failure..
AGH! Thinking it was a bad tank, I ran it last night. Started and ran like crap for half minute, then perfectly fine. I rode over 50 miles until the gas light came on... ran smooth the whole way. Right as I get the station, it starts running like crap again. Fill it up, then it wouldn't start running but after a few tries finally runs, but rough. I get two blocks and it's running but barely any power and very hard to keep running, then it finally quits and doesn't run. 10PM, cold, 6 miles from home.

Got it trailered, now I'm looking at it. Pulled the plugs, tested spark. All four are firing. Seems to be getting fuel.
Makes no sense if I'm getting fuel, though.

I'm wondering if the timing got off somehow (cam chain recall was done back in early 2001).
OK, maybe this will help. Can anyone verify their injector spray pattern? Here's some quick video I took. All four seem to be squirting straight. I don't know if it's supposed to change when it's running and air is coming in. I don't have a way of checking fuel pressure right now and have no clue what else to check without opening the engine.
I still say you need to get a pressure gauge on the fuel system. (you can just swap out the pump with a known good one but unless you get it for free, it can be a pricey guess) If you find a good local car shop, they should have the proper adapter to check the pump pressure.

FI pumps can run great, then go to hell and run great again. As the bushings wear out, the pump will run fine and the all of a sudden, the shaft goes into this "wobble" mode and the rpms drop and so does fuel delivery. Can be pretty sporadic and so hard to chase down. Can you hear the pump run and how does it sound?

A filter can cause this as well but is usually preceded by lazy performance prior to stalling or a heavy surge during acceleration.
I looked at spray pattern and that is not a is more like a dribble.. check the filter and if it is ok, I would put a pump in.

I am not totally familiar with the FI system on these bikes but it appears that the ecu only allows a single squirt or 2 on crank (anti flooding I suppose, cars use WOT to turn off injectors in a flood condition)
Yeah, it only sprays on each cylinder once when starting.

It kind of turns over some of the time, but never keeps going anymore. I wish I had more gauges/tools to diagnose this.
I wish I had a few of these apart but I have not... the problem however sounds very much like the FI issues we deal with in the automotive side. Bad flow will allow a motor to idle and often just fine, then as soon as you crack the throttle, well you know the story...

if the filters are ok, the pump is probably toast..
I would be looking in the same place(check your fuel press)We have mounted a fuel press gauge that has a extension hose (home made) that extends from the fuel rail outside of bike where you can monitor it while taking a short ride to see what the press is doing.should be about 42psi at all times while idle/moderate cruising.probly a pump or clogged filter.
the fitting to the fuel rail is the same as many Ford cars..should not be to big a deal to find an adapter to "T" off and make sure you get a gauge for FI (80-100psi rated) Now why didn't they put a schaeder valve like ford?
I'll give that a try. Who knows how good the pump is? Bought it off eBay along with the tank (which arrived with a couple dents I had to repair, despite description).
awww the plot thickens.... where is your original tank and pump??? leaving these things sitting around the shop dry can be the kiss of death for some reason...