Most Disturbing Video Ever...

An old Canadian game show from the 80s Called Just Like Mom, hosted by husband and wife team Fergie Olver and Catherine Swift.

PERV... :puke:
Man you can find anything on YOU-tube. The show is bad enough then to put it up again on You-tubegeez.
I'm shocked they let it air and the Mom's were okay with it... Just to be on TV huh?
Seriously ...I'd so beat that guys azz if I was the Father of one of those girls. Sicko!

His wife needs her clock cleaned as well to sit back and allow him to act like that.
omg. uh???that is really,well, against the :rulez:. geesh. That is one of the creepiest things i have ever seen
Among other treatments, He needs a maximum dose:

depoprovera (Small).jpg
Isn't it a shame how our perspective on this stuff has been forced to change. That clip might be innocent as can be, but now...When I was a kid, we could go outside in the summer in the morning, roam all over the place, and come in for lunch and dinner, and my parents didn't have to, i get nervous when my daughter goes to the end of the driveway and I don't have direct line-of-sight on her...what a shame.
I don't care what day & age it is.....nothing innocent about trying to force kisses & touching onto young children like that. Dudes a creep
couldn't finish watching it, but maybe I am weird that way cause I have trouble an can't stand watching parents putting their 5 - 9 year old daughters in beauty pageants an putting makeup on them an bikini's an putting them on stage..:madfire:
I mean really? Telling the girl she will lose the competition if she doesn't kiss him? :puke: