Most embarrassing tipovers

Hey man if you need help tiping the M class let me know. you just have to get a pic when she comes out and sees it on its side
that is a cold woman. .. and thats all I need to type about that for sure..

I've been pretty lucky as far as tipping bikes over.. used to drop dirt bikes all the time, but really.. who cared? haha "oops, dropped the bike.,,, damn things gonna be a ##### to restart now!" -kick- x50 and your ready to go again.

I did let my first true street bike fall over because I put it in neutral pointed down a hill on the side stand so i could do something or other.. took two steps and *crunch* WTF? .. aaww damnit!

I hope to all heaven that was the biggest lie you ever told.

I would have killed her right there. And when the police came and asked what the hell happened, I would have said... "Officer, she attacked my busa. It could not defend itself so I defended it. It was a life or death situation. She knocked it to the ground and looked as though she was going to finish it off. Deadly force was necessary." And one of them would say, oh I have a busa as well, you are free to go.

Seriously though, if I saw the pope going to knock over my bike.....we would be looking for a new pope!
No court in the land (with a jury of your peers - 'Busa owners) would convict you...
Yeah but your nvr in a jury of your peers? Hell if i go jail come get a list of jury people from me dont randomly select people. thats what i think about a jury of my peers. Delibration would take about 20 secs. Unless you borrowed something and didnt bring it back
I've had way to many, but a few weeks back we all stopped on some God forsaken road in BFE to take some pictures. well I did my deal stopped and turned around to take the Camera to get the camera Guys picture and when I went to stop I hit some sand and dropped her right there on the side of the road. Cecil has the pictures too. Oh wait then there was last Friday. I was putting my rear wheel back on. the bike was on the stands and I was checking the spin action(???) So in my wisdom and a maybe one too many ya know, I shook the wheel and the bike came crashing down on my legs in my Gararge. Yeah scratched the Rim up a bit and took a good gouge out of the paint on my swing arm. but once I got the bike off my legs and un-jammed the stand from the wheel and swing arm. I got a good laugh out of it. I seem to get the most amusement out of my crashes...

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I was adding air to my tires. I aired up the front and needed to push the bike forward to make the rear valve stem accessable. I was standing on the left side while I was pushing the bike forward and unkown to me brushed the kickstand. I rested the bike back on its stand and walked all the way around the bike to pick up the air hose. As my back was turned to the bike I heard it hit the garage floor. There wasn't much damage. The fairing, exhaust and mirror were slightly scratched, but the clutch lever had broken. I went to cyclegear and purchased one of their cheapy after-market clutch levers and was back to riding.
One week later I am riding to work. I exited the freeway and grabbed my clutch lever to downshift. My clutch didn't work! I was forced to downshift without a clutch. I tried to get it in neutral, but it had already slowed down to much in first gear and it died at the intersection. Now I can't restart the bike either! The ring on the lever that holds the brass piece broke. Traffic is building all around me, and honking at me. The next green light I pushed the bike across the intersection and headed toward a gas station close by. When I started to turn it toward the gas station I tripped and it fell over on the right side. It scratched the fairing, exhaust and mirror up pretty good and broke the brake lever!
After that I bought brand new fairings, Suzuki levers,some exhaust cans that were practically given to me by a cool guy, Suzuki mirrors, and bobbins (Sliders).
I had not bought sliders before because a friend told me that they were useless on a busa. He said that in the event of a crash the bolt holding would shear because the bike is so heavy and the fairing would be destroyed anyways. However, if I had them they would have saved my fairings on both tip overs. So, I started looking into bobbins and found the Bike Design bobbins. They're awesome, and you don't have to cut your fairings! They attach to your engine mounts. They are expensive though, and you have to order them from Europe. I got the fairing and the exhausts protectors.
Well My 03 busa was a week old and I had just purchased a tank bra and I wanted to put it on .so I washed the bike got it ready in the coverd parking spot.I had unscrewed the tank,put the tank bra straps under the tank and was getting it a snug fit on to the tank before i folded the metal strips..I had the side the stand on and I am pushing the bra from both sided hard and the side stand comes off and the bike started going down.I didn't want my new baby go down so I grab the only thing I could hold, the grab bar, and I'm holding the bike from it.(2 sec after) now the bikes 500lb weight started kicking in. So I had to little by little lean the bike to the ground. (Shid) I placed the bike on the groung with a slight thump and ran to my upstairs neighber wanting to get his help. So we picket up the baby (now I am praying) and looking for damages. to my surprise the clutch cover was scratched a little that was it wooow , what a close call
Pre Busa Days:

One morning I was getting ready to leave for work. Opened up the garage, started the Electra-Glide, got my leathers on, smoking a cigarette, and lettin the bike warm up...typical morning routine while it's dark outside and the neighbors are sleeping.

Once I get on the bike, I start to back it out of the garage. I normally back onto the sidewalk going around the garage to the back yard, then pull striaght out of the driveway. Only bad part was that I forgot about the old generator that I had sitting on the sidewalk waiting for trash day.

As I'm backing out...handlebars at full lock...reaching with my left hand for the garage door opener in my windshield pocket...The bike hits the generator and the bump starts the bike leaning to the left while the handlebars are turned to the right. This had to be the slowest tip over, but it's amazing how much momentum an 800 pound bike can have. There was no stopping it.

So now I'm sitting there with an 800 pound bike laying in the driveway and there's NO WAY IN HELL I'm going to wake the wife up to help. Somehow I managed to get the bike up and I went to work. Suprisingly there was no damage. The engine and saddlebag gaurds took all the weight.

The generator got hauled off that afternoon
Believe me I wish I was lying
I did throw 2 motorcycle helmets and hit the mercedes when she sped off, messed up the front rigth fender but got it replaced for free by the benz dealer
This story kinda reminds me of the John and Lorena BOBBIT story.
All I can say, is sleep with one eye open if you suspect she's pissed at you.
Believe me I wish I was lying
I did throw 2 motorcycle helmets and hit the mercedes when she sped off, messed up the front rigth fender but got it replaced for free by the benz dealer
Now i know you may have solved nothing but didnt it fell a lot better. Ahh revenge is the greatest
Believe me I wish I was lying
I did throw 2 motorcycle helmets and hit the mercedes when she sped off, messed up the front rigth fender but got it replaced for free by the benz dealer
Whoa, so your bike got scratched, and you busted up 2 helmets? That's a lotta dough, especially if those were shoei's or arais (or other high end helmets). I mean about $500 a pop...that's a grand just to replace the helmets. I mean if you threw them hard enough to bust up the fender of the mercedes then I wouldn't trust those things to protect my melon in an accident anymore.

Unless you 2 are rich and can afford to break each other's expensive guys need some solution to this madness....professional counciling, divorce, mistresses and pool kissing her ass every moment of every day to stay on her good side...etc... (Actually it just sounds like she needs a full frontal lobotomy....but I'm just saying that cause she hurt a busa....poor, poor busa.)
you kissing her ass every moment of every day to stay on her good side
Dont sell your soul. If you kiss as all the time then you'll be the guy at the gas station saying he was gonna get a bike but got a dinet set instead. For the love of all things manly dont sell out
Yep. A man has got to be the BOSS.

oooppps ... sorry hun ... dint know you were lookin over my shoulder ... ouch ...
Me:  Riding with my brother on my K1200rs, doing some serious tire shredding.  I lose him at a turnoff - so I pull over and wait for him.  When I stop my left foot is on some loose gravel and JUST as he is coming to where I have stopped the foot goes into the air and the big black bike goes down.  Being the kind of brother he is, he tells me what an @sshole I am before he helps me pick the beast back up. ;-)

Other:  Garrett (brother) and I are riding to El Paso Tx from Austin, TX.  It is December 1999 and 20 degrees outside.  We stop to get gas on I-10 in the middle of nowhere.  Garrett's bike comes to a complete stop and he gets this wild eyed look on his face (through the visor on his helmet) and he and the bike just falls over - KERPLUNK.  He was so cold he couldn't move his legs and him and the bike fell like knocking over a domino.  I was laughing so hard I had to sit down - then I got up and helped him pick the bike up.
Other:  Garrett (brother) and I are riding to El Paso Tx from Austin, TX.  It is December 1999 and 20 degrees outside.  We stop to get gas on I-10 in the middle of nowhere.  Garrett's bike comes to a complete stop and he gets this wild eyed look on his face (through the visor on his helmet) and he and the bike just falls over - KERPLUNK.  He was so cold he couldn't move his legs and him and the bike fell like knocking over a domino.  I was laughing so hard I had to sit down - then I got up and helped him pick the bike up.
Yep, a friend of mine's Irish brother-in-law used to ride his bike from the West coast to my friend's house near London in the winter. We used to lift him off his bike (still in the riding position) and prop him up next to the fire so he could thaw out.
I had a situation where I was sitting on my 1989 Kawasaki Ninja 6R and I was trying to figure out how the hell you get the bike on the center stand. Not realizing you're supposed to lift it on to the center stand I sat on the bike and using my left foot pressed on the foot grip of the center stand and with a strong rocking motion I pushed back really hard trying to use the grip from the center stand to hoist the bike into a locking position. Well I got it about half way through the motion but didn't use enough force (i did it wrong i know) and the bike then proceeded to roll back forward back on to it's two wheels, the center stand then sprung back under the bike and fell to the right hard, I tried to ditch but when the center stand sprung back to the bottom of the frame the loop where you press your foot on grabbed a lace, when the bike fell I was standing up with my left leg standing on the bike and my right leg standing on the ground. She started crying. I told her don't worry i'm fine...she said she wasn't worried, she was just laughing so hard she was teary.
All I am gonna say is:

5 Bikes in the garage, Big-Wheeled Mower and too much crap near the Busa..
Lawn Maintenance Guys mowing/ watching..

Me under the Busa fighting a Big-Wheel Lawnmower and the Busa for Control...

Datz My story, and I am sticking to it.
Sweet, didn't even get it out of the garage before you dropped it

p.s. Your logo-thingy is giving me acid flashbacks...
It does me 2, why I like it, Free Flashbacks For life
i had my '03 busa for 3 mos when we had a house fire. the thing of it is i had a chance to save my bike!

My mom came running over telling me the garage was on fire, so me in my superman cape and tights ran out to see what was the matter. the side of the garage(which is attached to the house) was engulfed in flames. I quickly took action to remove the items that werent mine(so i could get at my prized possesion of coourse haha) bros 4 wheeler, dads new pick up, ah and now my bike. i have no shoes on and the fire is definatly getting hot, i can feel crap falling on my face and my hair singeing.I backed the bike out as quick as possible out of the garage and right into the tire of the 4 wheeler. the bounce off of the tire threw me off and it set the bike into the lean. well there was no stopping it over she went, and there was no way i could pick it up.(by this time the fire was in full tilt, and the heat was sineging my arm hairs 10 ft away.
i had no choice but to walk away.
thats my story