Yes, after riding the dragon Sunday morning with the now famous Busawhipped, his sidekick Ozzy, and MacFast.
Not to forget I was at the lookout with Vman
Not to forget I was at the lookout with Vman
I know she enjoyed it. The Busa and the revs of course. No dude that's nice and the way it should be.(greyrocket @ May 11 2007,04:36) and reved it a bit just post hoeing now
9 1/2 hours to Mother's Day. Make sure you take care of Mother peeps(dadofthree @ May 11 2007,01:57) <BLINGYBLOB.COM COUNTDOWN BEGIN /> <embed src="" flashVars="MovieOvers=0&TitleOvers=0&BGOvers=0&TextExpiration=Countdown%20complete%21&TextTitle=Mother%27s%20Day&GlowColor=null&NumsColor=16777215&TextColor=0&BGColor=16711833&Second=0&Minute=0&Hour=0&Day=13&Month=5&Year=2007&" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="300" height="200" name="index_admin" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" />
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+1(dadofthree @ May 10 2007,13:53) Happy Mother's day to all you Mom's out there.