Motorcycle blue balls

Sorry it took me a while to find this thread. I've been out riding my Busa. Went to a local Bike night then out for a little 50 mile ride then ate some dinner and cruised on home. Glad I got home when I did though. It started getting chilly! Must be close to 55 degrees out there. I gotta go get some hot chocolate to warm up.  
Jesus thats aggrevating to hear. lol
took her out yesterday for an hour or so. Ran into a Mustang SVT and played for awhile. Guy actually thought he was beating me, I was hanging back to see what traffic was gunna do, then had the opening and left him... parked on the road til he caught up, then chased him down again. It was kinda fun to be out. Got her home and wiped her down and then just sat on the garage couch and looked at her.
I would have to agree fstbusa on this one. I just came back home to Pa from a trip out in missory KS. While I was out there the weather was great. The highs near 60. I couldn't stand it no more I had to break my uncles Hardly out. A dresser with radio and luggage. It wasn't the same but at least I got out alittle. Had to rush home and jump in the shower I was starting to get a rash on that thing. I geuss I'm allergic to it.
I'm back home now to dreary cloudy Pa. Cold cloudy and rainy. Sux
It's been raining here for the past few days. It rained all night and just before reading this post, a spot of sun light broke through. Big black clouds and one brightpacth... I wonder how fast it's moving and in what direction... maybe I could ride in

Yep, I think I'll go sit in the garage!

glad I'm not alone,

I actually rode two blocks inbetween downpours to 7/11 for a pack of smokes. I got it bad.
I've got great weather, but my Busa is some 8000+ miles away, so I don't even get to look at her except for pictures! This is truly sad!