motorcycle crash

Blah Blah Blah, Fug N A!  I don't give a Fug...  

Did I Sound "Too Harsh"   Was I making a "Judgement"?  NO.  

Whatever, I don't give a FUG There was NO worthwhile fuggin information.

That non smoking thing is still getting to you once in awhile isnt it?

You know.. if everytime you felt like you needed a cig you just had sex you would feel much better
Yeah...   I just got a little outta hand...  

I used to shoot bodies when active duty.  Have to crawl up inside an Isuzu Amigo to shoot a roll or two of the scene when a soldier puts his 12 gauge to his chin and pulls the trigger, painting the entire interior with teeth, jawbone, brains, hair and skull...    Shootings, bombings, training accidents, BDA, and after action shid...  

NOBODY NEEDS TO SEE THIS SHID in a casual manner, it'll keep you up at night... Like I said, dress it up however you like it's just not appropriate on this board.

But yeah... I kinda fuggin went off.....  
100% with you Revlis, that stuff is just another kind of pornography. I appreciate your maturity.

As an ex-fireman I've seen things that would put you off your breakfast, and I've visited and few other sites that have been and gone. None of that is appropriate (or educational/beneficial) for a motorcycle forum that appears to me about the appreciation and enjoyment of The Bike and the craft of riding.

Any head-on impact above 10mph will probably kill/cripple you, I don't need pictures to prove that. I've slid down the road at 70mph and because I was wearing leathers I got to walk away. However, I didn't hit anything with my body - otherwise the outcome would've been a lot less pleasant.

I read the accident/crash forum in the hope that it will provide some constructive information about how to avoid repeating other's mistakes, and what to look for regarding road conditions, other driver behaviour etc. If it's going to become a chamber of sensationalistic horrors, I'll consider moving to another board.

Not to argue with you, and maybe I have just extremely lucky. However when I was 21 (actually turned 21 that day) I was being stupid and dropped my GF off at her high school, figure I would show off a little and took off like a bat out of you know where.

To make a long story short, a long school bus pulled out and blocked off the entire street as it was making a left turn in front of me

I didn’t notice it because I was looking over my left shoulder changing lanes.

I impacted the rear of the bus about 75mph (that is what the police report estimated) I ripped the bumper off the bus and my body flew roughly 30 yards where I impacted a tree.

Witness's said it looked just like a cartoon, they said I hit it straight on (my body lucky was totally vertical, maybe that distributed the impact) anyway the witness's said I stuck to the tree momentarily and slid down and fell backwards.

While I was jacked up a little (a few broken ribs internal bleeding, bruised spleen) I only spent a week in the hospital and then I was out.

I also had a friend coming down big bear mountain in southern cali when I was about 19 who was racing down the mountain and had a front tire blow out at 90. him and his bike separated, his body went through a chain link fence and the bike went through the same chain link fence about 40 yards down the road. All that happened to him was he broke most of the bones in both hands.

I have also been in a vehicle doing 5mph over a speed bump and had a lady who just happened at that moment to have a heart attack rear end me and she was doing about 60

And then there was the time my friend was driving a Dodge Polera and he lost control and we hit a boulder doing about 45mph, stopped us dead in our tracks. We hit so hard it drove the bumper into the front right tire and punctured it.

My point is, I have personally experienced sudden impact collisions at high speeds and have lived through them. In pain I will admit, but lived through them and I still have all my limbs.

And you see racers come off bikes at high speeds all the time on tracks with no injuries.

That is why I am curious about this stuff so I can make intelligent decisions about riding habits, gear etc.

And I don’t go to because that crap really bothers me. Just as the first beheading in Iraq really screwed with me and I wont watch anymore. But that more pisses me off than anything.

Anyway, yeah a 10mph crash can kill you, but I think more often than not the human body can sustain much more damage than a 10mph crash can produce. Heck when I have trained in martial arts I know for a fact I have been hit by a fist or a foot traveling faster than 10mph and that impact was focused within a 4 inch square impact zone and didn’t do much.

Don’t want to cause and argument or disagree with your life experiences, but felt I needed to counter with my life experiences before everyone trades in their Busas for mopeds

Not to argue with you
Feel free to argue all you like, that's what's good about these forums in my opinion, the dialogue.

You (and your friends) certainly have been fortunate with the accidents you recount (and I sincerely hope it stays that way in the future.) I could tell you a few of my own, but you don't mention any collisions where your head hit a concrete wall without anything else to deflect/absorb the impact.

My father was in a head-on collision on a UK highway with another vehicle that crossed the median, the combined speed was 140mph. Neither he nor the other driver were killed, because both were wearing seat belts and the cars absorbed most of the force (his car's front end was shortened over two feet.)

Yes, these kinds of accidents happen and people do survive because of a combination of circumstances or just plain old dumb luck.

The point I was trying to make is that if the guy in the photos (we didn't see) hit an immovable object "dead on" at high speed - an object that had no deflection or "give" properties whatsoever, the outcome is a given and it's easy to understand why he was killed. I don't need pictures to explain that to me.

Incidentally, there's no comparison with racers on tracks, because that's an environment that's specifically designed to progressively reduce speeds in accidents - hence the straw bales, collapsible crash barriers, large areas of sand on bends etc. Contrast that with the TT races in the Isle of Man on narrow streets where racers DO get killed when they drop a bike and slam into brick walls, the side of a church etc.

Also, if you practice martial arts/unarmed combat you should know it's relatively easy to kill someone with a blow to the right area at fairly low speeds. When you train you don't tend to do those moves "for real" because they're too dangerous - right?
If whoever has these photos wants to contact me I will post them on my website and post a link onthis thread for those morbid or simply interested.

For both sides of the argument, keep in mind that not everyone has the same interests, motiviations or points of view as you do. Some people see no use in that type of stuff. Others get off on it. Someone's SO (significant other) will see it and stop putting out until thier 'Busa rider buys the right gear or grows up or sells the bike or whatever. Don't ever place your values or opinions above anyone elses.

I do agree however that if the pics are to be posted that it be by link only with a STRONG disclaimer, in case someone happens onto this thread who didn't want to see THAT kind of pic. When I first checked out this post I thought I was going to see a wrecked bike like HawaiiBusa posted a while back. I didn't see anything because it was already removed. But now I'm curious.

You are right about "a correct blow to the right area" can kill someone easily. That is what I had in mind when I stated that I know a 10mph crash could kill someone, wrong circumstances and as you said, the correct blow to the correct area can cause sever damage.

That is one of the main concepts I did learn in Martial arts is a thing called fluid dynamics whereas the object of a strike sometimes is to create a wave though the body ending in the wife striking an organ to damage the organ. If an organ is damaged properly it will start to scar up and will eventually fail.

so yes, with that concept in mind, the human body can be very fragile.

As far as my luck goes, I agree I am lucky. when I hit that tree after I was deflected off the bus I was lucky. I am sure the way I hit the bus slowed down the speed of my body, and then the way I hit the tree the impact was spread out over my body.

If I would have hit the tree like a spear head first, I have no doubt I would have suffered sever spinal cord compression probably resulting in crushed vertebrae causing death or paralysis.

I have always told people, that with all the gear I wear, as long as I come off the bike and am able to slide tumble or roll I should be ok. My only problem would be if I hit an object causing my immediate stop
If whoever has these photos wants to contact me I will post them on my website and post a link onthis thread for those morbid or simply interested.

For both sides of the argument, keep in mind that not everyone has the same interests, motiviations or points of view as you do.  Some people see no use in that type of stuff.  Others get off on it.  Someone's SO (significant other) will see it and stop putting out until thier 'Busa rider buys the right gear or grows up or sells the bike or whatever.  Don't ever place your values or opinions above anyone elses.

I do agree however that if the pics are to be posted that it be by link only with a STRONG disclaimer, in case someone happens onto this thread who didn't want to see THAT kind of pic.  When I first checked out this post I thought I was going to see a wrecked bike like HawaiiBusa posted a while back.  I didn't see anything because it was already removed.  But now I'm curious.
I'm not about censorship either, but I respect Revlis for making the decision to remove the pictures from this forum. A link would be a good compromise in my opinion.

And the only thing worse than having an opinion, is not having one - in my opinion ;-)
Dont get me wrong. I am totally behind rev for removing them if they were that bad. I have allways agreed this site should be PG.... with maybe a PG-13 on occasion.

My wife and kids see this board on occasion and I wouldnt want them to stumble upon something that is going to freak them out.
as you can read from my first post I asked and emphasized that if they felt is was inappropriate to simply remove it, no harm intended. I can tell you this, that when I went riding yesterday I was very much aware and a heck of alot more cautious about what I was doing. Nothing more then shock value? I didn't intend to post a shock value but I did intend for people to see what a high speed crash is capable of doing to you if for some reason you crash at those speeds. Thats all.

Yes you did and it was appericated. Now next time you will know with out even asking.

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Agreeing with Rev (as usual...). Links would be more appropriate in my opinion.
Once again, I am sorry no harm intended.....

Ride safe!!!
I dunno what your apologizing for man... You stated right at the beginning of the thread, if this shid isn't cool Mods delete it... So I did... No harm no Foul...

The problem arose when other folks started getting all grumpy about it. None of that little temper tantrum applied to you... You had allready figured they were marginal, you labeled the topic correctly. So no Worries...

No one I think is looking at you as a bad guy or anything, you never sweated it.

Don't worry, be happy... and post ##### every chance you get

Uh oh, I'm in trouble... didn't know that was a bad word... sorry to whoever had to edit me

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