I'm sure many others will chime in but I'll throw my $.02 in.
First off,

Be respectful of other drivers. Do yourself a favor and if you haven't already take an MSF course do so. The life you save might be your own.
Just cause the bike can go 100+ in a few seconds doesn't mean you should do it, especially in neighborhoods. Ride smart. There is a time and place for everything.
Basic survival rules:
When you come up to a traffic light or stop sign, keep your eyes and ears open. Lots of accidents happen because the driver behind the bike is concentrating on the car in front of the bike and ends up hitting the bike. If you see them coming in fast, have an escape route available. Don't park on the other cars bumper.
Many here will tell you to dress for the crash, not the ride. I won't lecture you about it, but I'll ask you to consider it. ATGATT (all the gear all the time). Helmet, Jacket, Gloves, Pants, Boots. Like my BMW buddy says, "No leather like your own eh?"
Did I mention that MSF course? Worth mentioning again.
Get some miles on the bike and read read read read. So much information here to absorb.
