Motorhead already at 313hp with 12pds boost.

aww he's lying its really 140.

Gary, have you ever talked to this madman?

Scary---he has no fear.

[This message has been edited by 'lantabusa (edited 03 August 2000).]
Oh my.....

How long before the Busa gives up the ghost/warp core breach/nuclear meltdown?

How can the gearbox,crank, rods handle this????
I read that 205 ft-lb torque figure, and said what everybody else who read it said to themselves...Jeezus Christ! :)

I was convinced of the magic of turbo bikes when I rode a turbocharged 1977 KZ1000 (not a Z1R-TC), when I was 17, back in 1979. The guy who built it, a friend of my older brother, did all the good stuff you could do to it, back then. Balanced crank, low-compression pistons, high-volume oil pump, the whole nine. I just was lucky enough that he let me take a midnight blast down the freeway on it. I have wondered in my old age how that turbo 1000 would have done against a stock Busa. I think it would have been close, up to maybe 140 or so. A good turbo system, like the MC express, is like the old horseshoe inside the boxing glove. Somebody tries to race you on that, they're gonna get knocked the **** out.
Pure insanity, never ridden one would love to. Bet its worth every penny.