Those inexperienced guys like that are easily passed. Just follow and watch until you get the feel of his set up for a corner. Almost always, they will go to the outside of the corner to brake, then dive in to the inside of the apex? Just set your front wheel along side his rear on the inside of the curve, when he brakes and they alway brake early, just out brake him and beat him to the apex. Mission accomplished!
But if you have any chicken stips at all, don't attempt it, it won't work! You have to use those chicken stips on the exit. If you have any chicken strips left on your tires, just about any good rider will pass you on most any given corner with ease and not much you can do to keep him behind you.
I really don't recommend passing like that on the roads. Some kid panics as you slip underneath him and hits an oncoming pickup in the opposing lane and it wouldn't be a pretty sight?
You guys really should give the kids a break. After all, they are in the early stages of the learning curve that eveyone goes through. Instead of being confrontational, strike up a friendly conversation and offer up a pointer or two that may help them progress. All riders are the most dangerous at that stage but usually only hurt themselves. I never push anyone slower than me if I see they are a little shaky and no matter how good they ride, if they are dressed in jeans and sneakers, I give them lots of room and hang back. I know if he is dumb enough to hit the twisties with no riding gear, he is dumb enough to want to show how good he can ride. I don't want any part of cleaning up the mess if he hits the deck?
A Sunday Ride on our favorite twisty road with curves that a beautiful woman would envy is a wonderful experience that brings joy to all of us scooter nuts. A good attitude just adds to the pleasure.
Our group of a dozen or so riders, try to always be courteous and thoughtful. If we get trapped behind slower bikes or autos, we usually just stop and take a five minute break to let the traffic get a ways ahead before we continue. That safely takes care of the problem and everyone goes home in one piece.