Moving to Germany...

On the weekends make sure you haul ass from Ramstein to Baumholder and from Baumholder to Wiesbaden. Of course while full of Kebobs but no beer :rulez:
get good rain gear. and a fog free face shield. oh, and a sport touring screen should help too.
I had a Kaw ZZr1200 while I was stationed there 2003-2005 (Wiesbaden)...I had insurance w/ may want to check AIG as well.
Nice! I lived in Germany for 10 years (Army, 94-05). Make sure you take A81 heading up toward Wurzburg/Frankfurt if and when you get the time. That was my favorite route when I had to go to Ktown/Ramstein,plenty of long long road to open it up! Enjoy the riding and be safe!!!
They say a picture says a thousand words.
Well a word says a thousand picturers: AUTOBAHN.
I'm jealous.
Best to you bro!
this is a sign you'll probably get pretty familiar with if you live off base :thumbsup:

and if you can get out and ride some.... find the local roads, they are great :thumbsup:

I was at Ramstein (ETAR), some of the best riding roads you'll ever experience I tell ya. I see your from FWB, you work at Eglin?
Remember this little town --Johanniskreuz--Its SE of ETAR, every weekend hundreds of bikes kinda of gather around here. It like a central point in the middle of all the twisties around there, excellent riding! They also have events there occasionally.
