MSF & NHTSA meeting

The MSF&NHTSA will have their meeting in Phoenix,AZ on Nov 12-13,these are the people that will set the standard and recommendations for motorcycle safety in this country.I believe ABATE of California will send someone their to monitor the Conference to make sure that the riding public is represented and also to see what issues that NHTSA will try to push.We in ABATE do not trust NHTSA cause they used tax payers money to fund a video for the Highway Patrol on how to spot illegal motorcycle helmets,we in the state of California do not want motorcycle helmet laws but would rather prefer education for motorcyclist,you as an adult get to choose to wear or not to wear and I do not want to get into the the argument on using helmet or not but that is one of our goals,education first.Second has anyone from this site gone to one of these meetings or know of any motorcycle manufacturers that are going?I know that Harley Davidson will be there.If you want to read up on this issue check out
You may ask so what,well folks these people will determine what safety clothes you have to wear,what helmet,if you have to put crash bars on you bikes,displacement of motorcycle, horse power,etc. Some of the people that make the laws and recommendations for motorcycles do not ride motorcycles and some do not have any clue on what we go thru when we ride our bikes,they go by insurance stats,accident stats,Highway patrol stats,so we should be on our guard.If anyone who lives in Phonix,Az has notthing to do on Nov 12-13 should try to see if they can get in on that conference,the web site has all the info.Bottom line BEWARE and BE INFORMED.They make the laws not you,but we can make the difference if our voices are heard.