You can wear all the safety gear you want but when someone turns in front of you and you're doing over 10mph good luck or if your bike blows a front tire at 50 mph and your on a curve,good luck.ON a race track you are all going in the same direction and most of the people have had racing school and training but when you are on the Highways or any road USA or overseas your odds are against you,bad drivers,bad roads,animals,other motorcycle riders,oil/coolant/newspaper/sand on the road.I have had friends killed who were wearing helmets and I have also had friends killed who wearing seat belts.Bottom line when it's your time to go it's your time.Just have fun.And if your talking about tax payers money that are used to fix some of these people that get involve in motorcycle accidents get a clue most states require that you have insurance to ride your bike.My state California you have a helmet law,try driving a car with a motorcycle helmet on,you'll get a ticket for using a motorcycle helmet and the reason why,restrictive vision,go figure.Now with all the debate about helmets or no helmets,let the insurance company take charge same way they will when it comes time for airbags on motorcycle,safety glow vest "bright orange"required by all motorcycle riders,reduced horse power under 100wrhp,reflectors all over the bike,no noise pipes,I can keep going.Bottom line go have fun,if you want to wear a helmet wear one,if you don't that's ok also.Make sure you wear eye protection,cause with out your eyes every thing else don't matter.My opinion