On Dirty Pete and other .ORG stuff...

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Well this truly is "A date that will live in infamy"! Just an old fashion Hayabusa get right with God revival! :) Now we can all sleep well again. hehehe
I have thanked you before and I'll thank you again Big Dog for all of your tireless work that brings pleasure to the membership.

Pete yer lucky yer back or I would have had to kick you in the behind as I passes you, behave yourself! It's cool to irritate the police but not the moderator!
DP adds a certain ambiance to the board
A gusto for living that sorely would have been missed.
No one else could have possibly started busaland

You guys are making me misty!

[This message has been edited by BJ (edited 08 December 1999).]
Good to hear that everyone has a bit of a better grasp of what went on...rumors can just get weird sometimes.

To those with the kind comments, we thank you. To those that didn't have kind comments...to hell with you! -GRIN-

Seriously, though, I agree that I don't just "hang out" as much as I would like...it's not just for fun any more as we try to make it more than it is...

As I was telling Pete in an email just a bit ago, I am SO incredibly frustrated that the new site look and options are not available yet...we're working on it, though, guys and like a few posters have said, this ain't my only gig. Being in a company that is ramping up to go public in 2000 is really keeping me busy...but it's fun...as long as I don't work myself to death by the time I my stock is worth more than the paper it's printed on...

Registration is reopened, btw.

geez, i'm even starting to like KONG now! good post KONG. and WELCOME BACK DP!!! woooo hooooo. chase, great work as i've stated before. glad to see things are heading in the right direction for us all. laters
a.k.a. hiabuser
What the hell, might as well get it off my chest. I think the DP episode was the dumbest thing I've seen on the web so far. Chase has given us an excellent forum at absolutely no cost to us. We could post anything we damn please-profanity being the only thing limited.

For the most prolific posting forum member to whine, complain, take pot shots at the guy who pays the bills, try to lure members to another forum, post self serving one sided excerpts of e-mails, and then portray himself as some sort of sacraficial hero just doesn't cut it.

And how can anyone really miss a forum member that has only been gone a couple of days? Give me a break.

In my view this absurd episode was the work of one individual and that individual is not Big Dog.

That's my take. I'm sure others will have a different view.
Sherm a moment ago I typed in my respects to your hilarious "small oil refinery' comment on Big Ed's Santa topic, but then deleted it out of some lingering concern that you wouldn't appreciate anything coming from me.

I guess that was the right move.
I'm glad the site is coming along. I've gotten a lot of good info from here, as well as a few laughs.

You've been doing a good job Chase, a large job that in some ways is thankless, but enriching in others. My hat, er, helmet, is off to you! :)
There is room for more than one site.
Chase gets nothing for dong this, just does it out the kindness in his heart? Maybe

Probably--Traffic has slowed considerably, many moved to other sites (i.e. Ranger's)and the competitive spirit in America forced something to happen here.

As far as upgrades--Believe it when I see it.
Am I whining--NO--just reading all of this brown nose garbage compelled me to post.
I've always liked the site from day one. It got a little tedious there for a while when the nay sayers seemed to take over with Suzuki sucks posts constantly. Especially since they seemed to make all Kaw fans look like out of control children. I still love the ZX7R and 9R very much as well as my Busa and I'm undecided about the mythical 12. Big Dog supply's a great place. THANKS!! DP, welcome back, missed ya.