sounds good dude thats kinda like a strait thro pipe yea??
Yep.. Straight through..
The only thing I might have tried after doing it was maybe creating an echo chamber.
My dad is awesome with.... well just about everything.
If he needed to and he was stranded somewhere long enough he could probably build a fricken plane or car out of materials he found laying around.
Anyway, I only see my dad a few times a year, he came up to visit and I showed him what I did.
He had mentioned that if I took the straight exhaust pipe and drilled holes in it and found a way to mount the pipe in th can sturdy without using packing, it would be even louder.
However I would not recommend trying this unless you have spare cans to waste and are pretty good at stuff like that.
Bike382’s mod, followed exactly works perfect. I have been very happy with it and no problems. It worked for Bike and it worked for me.
If anyone tries anything different such as what my dad had mentioned, it is only a theory.
But if I can come up with another set of stock cans some day I might try it just to see..