Must put an end to this rumor!

Hmm. My black one is so fast the clear coat and stickers fell off. Any of your cute colorful bikes wanna meet at the strip and see what colors are fast?? :laugh:


amen brother, Not another fastest color thread:laugh: i mean come on guys we all know Black is the best, whats the saying once you go black you dont go back:laugh: j/k the bike i mean...


Denial is the first stage of the healing process. You will be just fine, if ever we shall meet on the open road just keep your eye on my tail light, it'll guide you all the way to the destination...just focus. :laugh:

More and more lately I keep hearing this same rumor.

You know how you hear it once and ignore it, then others hear it and repeat it to you and before long others start believing it and it makes you think maybe it is true.

Friends, I am here to tell you, unequivocably, undeniably, indoubtedly, irrefutably...

Red and Black are not the fastest colors.

Blue and Silver ARE!

I know, the truth hurts. It should also be mentioned that those sold in Kalifornia are even faster because Mama Suzuki knew they would be used more months for more miles in more curves per year than any other geographic location.

I offer as proof, my Beast who complained so loud about not having been properly washed in so long that I took a day off work to pamper it.



Rumor has it you're delusional too .........:whistle: You notice red and black owners never contest the delusional rantings of the slower-colored owners out of pity for your "sichy-ation".....we feel your pain....well actually we don't but "we would" if "we could" Brother !!! :super:

BTW Clean Busa Brother...and a clean Busa is next to a Godly Busa !!! When parked next to a black and red Busa..... :super: OH YAH, THAT WORKED !!!!
Hmm. My black one is so fast the clear coat and stickers fell off. Any of your cute colorful bikes wanna meet at the strip and see what colors are fast?? :laugh:


You know if you add some red accents to that machine you'd get a few tenths + some MPH on your ET's. :whistle:
Im going to show all those red,silver, blue guys how fast my black one is right now.

Ready.... watch..... See ! I just got on ran a 1/4 mile and got off. It was so fast you couldn't even see it !!!:whistle:
I believe custom colors are faster that factory colors. My Burgandy and Gray seen to zoom a lot quicker than my buddies silver and gray. :laugh:

You all have no idea!

Gray and Black are the fastest color. It's proven by physics. They are so fast color can't catch up. That's whey they are so dark.


Wrong. . . White has no color in it because it's so far ahead that color cant catch up. Black has EVERY color in it cause it's so slow that all the other colors are trying to donate some of their color to help it keep up. But as I said, this is all for the goal of catching up with the white.:whistle:
Wrong. . . White has no color in it because it's so far ahead that color cant catch up. Black has EVERY color in it cause it's so slow that all the other colors are trying to donate some of their color to help it keep up. But as I said, this is all for the goal of catching up with the white.:whistle:

bzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, wrong.

White is a combination of every color and black is the absense of all color.

Therefore and to-wit, white is slightly faster than black because it has blue (a primary color) in it. Black only appears faster because it tends to leave the line before you because you can't see it sitting there, looking all stealthy and stuff.

I can't even begin to explain the orange and black. I think it's just trying to hide before someone says "nice harley" :laugh: