Muzzy fan install with pics.

Thank goodness for this!

Thanks so much Paul!!!! *print*
Help! Everything went smooth-got it out no problem. I went to unsrew the three screws and one stripped! I don't understand Suzuki-a gorilla must have tightened that one-the other two almost fell off! Now I am stuck-how should I get that screw out? Any help would be appreciated...I just hope I don't have to buy a new setup...
Phew.....a couple guys helped out with some ideas and I got the screw out-ended up using a dremel to cut the head and a flat head to pop the screw out. After that, things went smooth-10 minutes tops. Great walkthrough-saved me a ton of tiem and some money, thanks GM!
Thanks for the walk-through Paul
It helped me a lot...finally installed the Muzzy fan Ben sent me problems, no extra parts afterward and the bike still runs

Huge thanks for taking the time to post all of this...saved me some time trying to figure out how to get everything done
Great walkthrough...Doubt I'll ever need a muzzy fan..

Never ever warm enough..