Muzzy Fan

(GMbusa @ Sep. 17 2006,21:49) It's more of a peace of mind issue. No melting factory fans to worry about.
+1. You won't notice much in your garage or not moving, but get her out on the road and you'll notice a difference, evenmore so when you are sitting in traffic...

Glad you got her all figured out!
so many misunderstand the purpose of the coolant ..... nothing you add is going to make it "run cooler"....except a lower temp thermostat.
the job of the coolant is to extract the heat from the motor.....the more efficient it is, the less your cooling system has to work.
your temps will appear the same because the thremostat is made to allow for a certain temp...and maintain it.
but the coolant pulls the heat away from the motor faster..which is better.

I suppose you could remove the thermostat all together and then you'ld have lower temps because there would be no restriction of flow....but then you could be messing with the way the fuel system adjusts for temps.
(busa_boy_69 @ Sep. 17 2006,14:43) Although I have to admit I think this was a waste of money. I see NO difference whatsoever in the operating temp AND the fan comes on just as frequent. Ah well its already on there now so no biggie I guess.
I put the Muzzy fan on mine and it was money well spent. In stop & go trafffic with the ambient temp over 95 degrees mine used to just keep climbing, slowly, but still just getting hotter & hotter. After the fan install (I did not change coolant) the fan will come on and the temp will not climb past that point. Money well spent.