My 04 LE was STOLEN

Damnnnnnnnn,not another 1.Seem like we lose a bike every week in here.I'm sorry about your loss and hope they find the and punish the Thieving Bastards.As for your bike, I hope it's recovered soon and not damaged.
Sorry borther... Ole Big Red needed some new plastcs.
I'll return you're bike later with my cut & scrapped up plastics.

On a serious note.... that does suck... I'll keep an eye out for ya.


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Thanks for the replys.

I honestly do not believe I well see it again in one piece.

I would seriously recommend ever one here invest in a Scorpio alarm. It was on the back burner for me. I really thought keeping the Busa covered plus the Kryptonite cable + lock was enough security. But I was wrong.

I tell you one thing, I don't think I will ever be able to trust any body in my apartment complex again. I live at The Coves of Brighton Bay in St. Petersburg across from the Dog track on Gandy, which is supposed to be a decent neighborhood. To be honest, I do not think any place is safe any more.

I guess I just hope I get to catch some one, some time stealing a bike. It doesn't even have to be mine. I will probably go to jail for the actions I will take.
I m sorry, that red will be hard to replace, maybe contact a dealer that has a leftover 04 crated and you mght nake some $$ with your payoff. Here in wyoming mine *should* be safe since everyone likes harleys here.
I hope your insurance carrier will help you get another one. Sorry to here about your bike being stolen.
Sorry for you man. It take a man seriously lacking some cahones (balls) to f*ck with another man's stuff. Good luck, in your search, but you know how this stuff goes.

On another note I don't have any respect for the cats that buy hot bikes, run number jobs, etc. I worked hard for the opportunity to get a bike for my recreation, maybe all of the underhanded sneaky bike thieves should try doing the same, and leave other shid alone.
Sorry to hear about the loss, bummer! It's too bad our laws are so lax in this area, even if the low lifes were caught, they'd be back on the street in no time, doing what they do best, stealing another man's property. Like said somewhere above, if the consequence for such activity was hanging like in the old days, you could leave your bike unattended almost anywhere. Anyway, I hope your insurance settlement is adequate so that you can get a new busa!!
Back in the day when the penalty for stealing a mans horse was hanging? could park your horse almost anywhere and it would still be there in the morning..I say bring back the ropes and low hanging branches.

The only downside about owning a busa for me is the worry of it gett'in stolen...sometimes I even wind up taking my truck when I'd prefer to ride...pi$$es me off.

Sorry about your loss Sgt. and here's hoping you're part of that small percentage that get's their bike back.

L8R, Bill.
I know what you mean. We don't take our bikes to the theaters ever for that reason alone. Even WITH the alarm.

Really sucks to own something nice only to have some piece of trash walk off with it.

Very sorry for your loss , but if it's any consolation, hopefully the f*ckers will kill themselves on it..
fuggin bastids....I'm getting quite sick of this crap.

Hey were in the military, right? Don't you have access to simtex or somethin? I'm thinkin a shidload of those strips all over the bike (in concealed places) with a receiver for detonation.

As soon as you discover your bike missing, blow it. They'd fuggin deserve it.
Sorry to hear this, you always have to worry when you have something decent.

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You find'em, I'll come get em! It'll be slow and VERY painful!

Sorry to hear about it Sgt. I'll keep my eyes open for ya!