My 100hp busa

Now that I think about it, I wouldn't think it'd be the coils or plugs.  If they weren't spark'in, the fuel/air mix would be rich.

But when I lose power at 7,000rpm, the mix has gone way lean....
well, just a suggestion, at any rate. Could it be a possiblity that one of your plugs is not working at 100%? Or, could it be possible that you have some valve damage?
pumps making funny noises and lean after 7000. sounds like its running out of gas to me. I'd check the screen and filter. all it costs is time. maybe you could spray some carb cleaner backwards through the filter and see what comes out. If it looks like a lot, replace it or put it back on and take it for a ride. If it runs better you know your on the right track.
I have the same exact problem. I'll be taking it to the dealer next week. I'll let you know what happens then if you havent figured it out yet.
I had the same problem..i got lucky and a board member sent me a used fuel pump. I couldnt make it past 130 mph would idle fine..but when i needed the demand on fuel it would cut out. i thought it was my clutch slipping so i changed that first.
hmmmmm.??? Charles,you need a fuel pump?
Charles,there is a 2006 FP on ebay right now,bidding is @ $70,dont think its going much higher.Paul.:)
Hey ive got a spare pump,,, call me if interested??? 603-320-1482, John
Busa pumps can be a drag. I've repaired a couple.The 99-01 models are even worse,than the in-tank ones.

If yer just going to re/re a different pump in there Charles,check and clean the injector screens,and carefully inspect all the fuel lines.Busa's had some cheap fuel lines in some years(I had one split on me once,that is no fun).

I'm betting that the crummy filter Zook used has started disintegrating and is now through out your system.

While yer sitting around not riding,take the pump apart,clean it,re-asembly without the fuel filter and see what happens.

Good time to check the inside of the tank for rust and crud while yer at it. If the inside of the tank is rusty,you can fix her up by Red Coating it. I can walk you thru that if need be.

Busa pumps can be a drag. I've repaired a couple.The 99-01 models are even worse,than the in-tank ones.

If yer just going to re/re a different pump in there Charles,check and clean the injector screens,and carefully inspect all the fuel lines.Busa's had some cheap fuel lines in some years(I had one split on me once,that is no fun).

I'm betting that the crummy filter Zook used has started disintegrating and is now through out your system.

While yer sitting around not riding,take the pump apart,clean it,re-asembly without the fuel filter and see what happens.

Good time to check the inside of the tank for rust and crud while yer at it. If the inside of the tank is rusty,you can fix her up by Red Coating it. I can walk you thru that if need be.

Thanks Rub.

I'm debating on whether or not to have the dealership install the pump for $120(labor).  They'll diagnose the problem and as long as I have them fix it(do the labor) the diagnostic is basically free.  The problem I have with that is the dealership doesn't have a dyno, so unless they're gonna run crazy fast on the freeway, how are they going to know what the problem is or when its fixed...

I was going to rip it all apart myself yesterday with the service manual I got off the board.  But the service manual depicts an external pump...  so I don't have the correct instructions for my internal pump...

Or I can take it to Mach1, a shop here that has a dyno.  At least they will KNOW when the problem is solved.

Whatya think Rub?  I'd like to get my hands on the R&R of the internal fuel pump.

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btw my cost on a new pump is $368 and change... Cost mind you...
btw my cost on a new pump is $368 and change...  Cost mind you...
Thanks Rev.

I went for gixerhp's slightly used one to save on money.  Thanks for looking out for me Rev.

Hopefully the new pump will solve the problem....

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Mach1, the shop with the dyno, told me $100-150 labor to install the pump.

1)take it to the dealer for $120, and they "should" know what they're doing more than anyone else, but they have no dyno...

2)take it to Mach1 for $100-150, they have a dyno and a good rep for quality work...

3)do it myself, much cheaper, but I'll be learning how to do it as I go...
Mach1, the shop with the dyno, told me $100-150 labor to install the pump.

1)take it to the dealer for $120, and they "should" know what they're doing more than anyone else, but they have no dyno...

2)take it to Mach1 for $100-150, they have a dyno and a good rep for quality work...

3)do it myself, much cheaper, but I'll be learning how to do it as I go...
+1 on #3, call me and ill walk you thru it!
It was the fuel pump, bike is 100%!!!

Thanks Gixerhp,  

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