My $1423.65 busa transporter

I have seen guys use Astro Vans before, but never a full size....isn't it pretty high climb to get in there? What do you plan to use for a ramp? Is your busa lowered? How close is your windshield to the bottom of the top door frame when loading?
duuuuuuuuuude thats AWSOME.

definately an espresso machine in there

seriously though if you have a sleeping area you gotta have a tv with dvd, and or gaming if you game.
Looks good "Noodles".
 I agree with the guys that the hot setup would be to Rhino line the floor and wheel wells. That would stop any rusting and provide good traction and footing when loading your bike. You could always put a piece of indoor outdoor carpet over it too. I've got several mods lined up for the trailer this winter, so don't think for one minute you got me outdone!
See you Tuesday night.
lookin' good bro...expect to see you a few times this next year now
its all kinda thrown together right now, i wanted to see how steady it is on the road

this baxley is badA$$$$$$$$





Noodles, do you have the chock bolted to the floor, or some way to keep it from sliding forward?
Noodles, do you have the chock bolted to the floor, or some way to keep it from sliding forward?
its wedged good between the cage and also uner the factory carpet... i know i know,  its ghetto... but im drivin like im on egg shells
What am I going to do with you? Get some nuts man, errr and some bolts and a drill and attach that thing to the floor before you have to slam on the brakes to check some young thing (under 80) and send your busa through the windshield!
Rhino liner, they have a variety of colors to pick from. LQQking good dude.
and no, what goes on in Robbinsville doesn't stay in Robbinsville