I'm surprised that I ended up with not a single bolt left over from all that too!
SB Customs is the website for the arm and wheel. Top notch people there and extremely helpful to any questions I had. As a side note, both the PC place and the muffler shop commented on how well built the arm was.
Congrats on a nice tastefully upgraded bike, the attention to detail is just right and not overwhelming with spikes, chrome strips, bells, radios, tv screens, LED's that look like a space ship coming down the road,custom zena warrior paint schemes ect...99% of the "custom" riced and gangsta crap on this forum is so hideous in my opinion.
An amazing job and hats off to you. I as well have the same color bike and what you did is truly amazing! great work, great detail and looks like a bullet!
I think he got them at bluegauges.com or something, I believe it says in one of his original posts.
The bike looks great!! I would lower it a little bit more, but you are kind of close to rubbing already. You might also look into getting an extended tailsection also.
Thanks, glad everyone likes my taste. Now it's just time to ride!! Shortly will put the nitrous bottle in there hopefully, anyone has any ideas by chance?
I want it lowered a little more as 3/4" doesn't seem enough compared to the 2" drop I had on the 2003. But I dig it, kinda like being just a hair higher and not worry so much about pot holes and whatever else. I may end up dropping the tail a little more, not sure yet. No extended tail, any further and I'd have to but I actually have grown to like it out a little bit, especially looking at the stock pictures and how far it was tucked up under there.
For another 25 more days!!! ....wonder if getting married had any motivation to me selling the perfectly good 03 for a new 09? Wonder if spending money on it now did?
All the above is true and not only that, it WILL remained parked in the living room when I do get married. Sad, but I have no other choice.
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