My biggest regret

I have a lifetime of regrets
and none of them include
a Hayabusa motorcycle ,


not seeing that
white truck pull
out in front of me .


#EveryBodyWants ~ #GoToHeaven ~ #NoBody ~ #WantsToDie ~#THEoRg *

Debating and dragging my heels on an F430 that came available in the spec that I wanted when I had my 16 Hellcat. Then it sold before I opted to go for it... Dammit, now I'm mad
Debating and dragging my heels on an F430 that came available in the spec that I wanted when I had my 16 Hellcat. Then it sold before I opted to go for it... Dammit, now I'm mad

Curious ...2 very different cars, no? Not that there's anything wrong with that, just interesting the diversity of your tastes. I guess what I'm saying is: +1 to your regret!
I dont have any regrets really. Just things I wish I could have done and things I wish I could undo. Even being an alcoholic and a drug addict wasn't a regret. Made me the man I am now.
Good for you, not many recover so well from addiction as you obviously did...I've seen a few of my former troops go down a dark path even with help and good support bases...