I dont condone this crap. Disappointed. Why in traffic ? you guys trying to kill yourselves or someone else? I too can say i have never ridden like that in traffic. Complete idiocy.
Sure you do...you have a busa!
Sure I do, but if I rode like that, I'd feed in to the whole "Why sportbikers are dangerous" stereotype. I think about my sons every single time I'm out riding, and want nothing more than to return home safely...don't know if it's guts you need to ride like that, or just no need to worry about your future, but whatever it is, I don't have it
I drive in traffic without endangering other drivers. I'm doing training for empty fields. But my brother and his friends are using very dangerous. My brother worked as a courier for 15 years. Doing 200 km of roads every day in traffic. He uses very aggressive. I was born in 1974 and two years using a motorcycle. My brother six years older than me.
Im with you all the way Blanka,theres more to being a big brother,wish i still had minePlease promise to post the video when one of you crashes. At 2:32 mark your brother almost rear ended a car and had to swerve hard to avoid it. Is he your younger brother? If so and he's on a 600 trying to keep up and show off to older bro on his Busa I see bad things in his and your future. At 42 I've never, repeat never ridden like that thru traffic. One slight single miscalculation by SOMEBODY ELSE and one of you is toast, simple. I have hammered it many times in the far left lane when I can see nobody in it or anywhere around but only for a few seconds. Flying thru traffic for long periods of time is just asking for trouble. Doing double everyone else's speed makes it almost impossible to slow down or avoid a car that just jumped in front of you. There are roads in Turkey that go nowhere that you could get your speed kicks on. My take on videos like this is that the person making them loves watching and commenting on how close this or that was because there were many in just this one video. I'm sorry I have to be the granny safety patrol and say boooooo on this.