So this weekend i got her turning over, got the swingarm on, modified the airbox for the bigger injectors, drilled a hole in the oil pan and welded in an aluminum bung for the oil temp sensor, replaced the stock oil pressure sensor for the one from glowshift, filed her with 4.4 qts of oil and 2 gals of engine ice, slung the new chain which I'll put together tonight, and since the anti rotation tang broke off my right throttle housing, i drilled a small hole through the center of the area that broke off, put a pop rivet in the anti rotation tang hole in the handlebar leaving 1/2" of the pull stem on it and used that as a suitable sub for buying a new housing. That worked amazingly.
I had a weak moment but i didn't give in and let someone else do it and I'm glad. I feel more accomplished now and should have her up and running by COB of not this coming Friday, but next Friday.
Oh, i also fabricated a new fuel hose.