My busa was stolen

(Revolution @ Sep. 08 2007,08:06) now, when you get your '08 get all the above plus a Scorpio alarm so i'll signal your keyfob someone's messing with your bike and ..."suprizze suprizze"...
With the Phantom Tracking system the Key Fob gives you an immediate alert if someone touches your bike and 20-30 seconds later your cell gets a text message. If you do not disarm the system in the next 30 seconds, the system goes active and the police are dispatched directly by your bike and the call center.

No bike with this system has gone unrecovered in longer than 2.5 hours. In the instance where it took that long it was only because the cops were watching the theives "shop" the bike at several chop shops. For the minimal cost of $749.00 you cannot have more peace of mind.
(madkatana @ Sep. 08 2007,16:48) How much does the Phantom Tracking system cost?
Retail cost is: $830.00
My price is $749.00 plus the $150.00 installation charge. There is a $13 monthly monitoring charge.
Sorry that your bike got stolen. That is BS>>>>I hate thieves. One thing about the alarms information that I have seen on this thread is that the Phantom Tracking Unit in my opinion is a terrible idea. I had in general security systems for houses and apartments and the such. You have contracts and some are just plain to expensive (Currently have one at my wife's condo where I live)monthly fees and installation expense. I would refuse to get one of those systems for my bike. I think it is a complete over kill. If you want to tracking your bike get a gps tracking device and just attach it to the bike and track it yourself from the web. You can call the police yourself. I would rather have the scorpio alarm. That is more cost effective. You can still add a cheap gps tracking solution as well. Much effective + cost effective than Phantom Tracking Device. This is a motorcycle and not a house, complete overkill.
Sorry to hear your bike was stolen; I hope your insurance covered it Bro. I can't say it enough guys--- use multi-tier security on your bikes. These punks don't just pick up 600 to 1000 cc sport bikes they want your Hayabusa too!
Sorry to hear this about your bike. I do agree paying close to $1000 bucks to protect your bike just does not make sense economically speaking. Several other layered defenses for far less money is my idea for my bike.