michael parris heuberger
HI Jest check in Biden's income taxes. He used a tax loop-hole to get out from like $5,000,000. Did Hunter pay any taxes on the $3,500,000 he received from the wife of the corrupt wife of the mayor in Russia? I really do not think he did.Well I haven't seen his tax returns. But if you want to look at mine, it shows a negative income for years now. I don't write a single tax code. I only use them as provided to me. Donald Trump is invested heavily into real estate across the country. I promise you, you can make a pretty decent rental income, and after using tax codes show a zero or negative income. Further if I have rental income coming in, in addition to tax advantages, I can also take out a loan on that property. Borrowed money is not taxable income. If my rents can carry that notes payments, I am not only making actual income I get to report as negative income, my borrowed money is also not reported as income. Because it legally isn't.
I doubt CNN will take the time to explain any of this. Unless Biden doesn't want to provide tax returns.
There is a reason many wealthy people are into real estate. These are but 2.
Unless we can see his returns, anybody can say anything they want to say about them. Meanwhile if the IRS thought he was a cheat, he must be a LOT smarter than them, because he's been doing it for years, and they haven't sent him to jail.
Now he might be a scumbag. But it won't be because I don't get to see his tax returns.