My father the idiot!!!

I'm glad you father's okay but I have to agree with jellyrug. Where's the respect?

Your father made a mistake but, in my opinion, calling him an idiot is very disrespectful. Who here can say that they've never made a stuipid, costly mistake? Maybe growing up as a child and dad came to the rescue? Anyway, if somehow you haven't yet, I guarantee that one day you will.

In my view "Father" is not just something you call someone - it's a position of responsibilty, an office, if you will, in the family. Similar to "Office" of the President of the USA. Even if you don't particulary agree with the person holding that office, the office itself should be respected.

Sorry for the rant, its just one of those things that strikes a nerve... :soapbox:

if you a father figure and you have to be told not to do common sence things .in the words of Murry YOU ARE AN IDIOT. no disrespect but it is what it is
Any man can be a father, but it takes a great father to be a Dad! Thankfully I had a Dad delt in my hand in the cards of life. Me and my Dad were opposites had no interest in motorcycles or wrenching growing up but we respected our differences and personalities. Now that he is gone I look back and smile on some of the arguments we had over the years but always managed to carry great conversations afterwards. Takes a man to respect even if you dont always agree, its your father and your only given one of them..
RIP Dad 06/10/1935 - 07/18/2007

i totally agree i have respect for my dad most days and some i just want to strangle him... love him to death but you know how it is we all have our differences. We have our great convos and our arguements but we always try to work things out