Yeah, I know it's been months since you started the thread, but here's my 2 cents worth anyway. I tried many of the changes previously mentioned with no real change. It's a bad thing when you're riding at 145 mph with numb hands, then they began to get numb with no special movement or position. Yes, at 52, it was in fact Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. An EMG is the definative test for it and does it ever hurt! Kinda like giving someone permission to taze you, repeatably. Now I'm 1 week after the surgery to the 2nd hand and the numbness is GONE!. I spaced the surgeries 4 weeks apart so I wouldn't be completely handless and that left me some time to ride in between. It's amazing how the 1 hand was still numb but the fixed hand was great. The surgeon said my median tendon was on the large size for the existing space and it's no wonder the numbness had been so bad. I only regret I took so long to get it done. If you try all that's been suggested without relief, then ask your PCP about a consult for CTS. I'm already planning a trip from Indy to Arizona in the spring. I'm thinking 2 days out, 2 days back. That's how much better my hands feel!