Darn early riser
I'll shoot over to Tom's at 8:00 and hang out 'til 8:30,
if I don't see you guys by then I'll head up the hill.
Slept in this morning 'til 4:30 bro.
I do lights out around 9:30-10:00 PM so I can get up by 3:00-3:30 AM
(never seem to get more than 5 or 6 hours, about as tired when I get up as I am when I nod out).
Just got back from Costco and got roped into
going down to Fallbrook for a BBQ in about an hour,
glad we went out yesterday .
Heated that straightaway up leaving your house this morning too ,
got on it from the stop sign through the top of 5th gear passing a whole string of cars .
Trip odometer says I put 46 miles on this morning ,
about the same as I did the last time we rode a month ago .
Will be home all weekend .