My new conceal carry toy

Ive never mod'ed a gun beofre and have always wanted to. I want to get some better sites for it and do some triggger work to it. Where is a good place to get parts for this?

Springfield Armory XD XDm Springer Precision Trigger Bar

The trigger bar that I upgraded too. Stronger then stock, but has to be fitted. There are video's on youtube, and pictures of it at
Springfield Armory XD XDm Springer Precision XD Trigger Kit
I bought the trigger kit which came with the sear and spring's. I just used the Sear and the Trigger bar, after trying the springs they supplied. Was a little to light for my taste.

Springfield XD XDm Springer Precision Pistol Gear PistolGear slide stop
The extended slide release that I am using. Very nice, beats the flat factory P.O.S. (easy to install)

Precision Trigger Kit Install & Review - YouTube[/url]
Armory XD/XDM trigger jobs by Springer Precision - YouTube[/url] (shows what it does) mine is like that.
XDM and XD frame detail assembly instructions by Springer Precision Part 2 of 3 - YouTube[/url]
XDM and XD frame detail assembly instructions by Springer Precision Part 1 of 3 - YouTube[/url]

Videos :: Springer Precision (link to there video's)
Shorter barrel will have a louder report then a longer barrel. I shot my G21 back to back to my G30. G30 1" shorter and it was louder with the same ammo.