My new helmet

Thanks for the responses guys! This lid is starting to spoil me.
Love how that helmet comes with a brake light! Big red angry face right in the back! Haven't liked the graphics on the shoeis the last couple years, but that looks good!
(Lamb busa @ May 24 2007,00:52) Love how that helmet comes with a brake light!  Big red angry face right in the back!  Haven't liked the graphics on the shoeis the last couple years,  but that looks good!
Yeah im not too fond of alot of the odd-ball graphics they have, but i can see why now the graphics don't really matter.

Haven't seen ya in chat in a couple weeks Lamb, are you neglecting it now that you can ride again?
I have the exact same helm. I like it alot. might get an X-11 next, but i just really like the way the RF1000's fit my skull
(SpeedAdict @ May 23 2007,06:44) I was wearing a RF 1000 when my head hit the pavement felt like a pillow. Didn't even get a headache. I was so impressed I bought another one. Figured it works good so stick to what works. Nice lid man. You'll be happy I know I am.  
Sorry to hear you went down but its plus hearing that about the helmet i wear.