My new plan...

(nitrousjunkie @ Apr. 26 2007,06:25) Ben,I have a Frame.
Frame aint the problem, but thanks... Like GMbusa said, it looks okay. I'm even debating selling the busa once it gets back together if it isn't totalled... Get's me closer to MMI, and out of debt, AND I'm not gonna be riding for a while anyway. SO....
Sorry to see your not going to fix it Ben but I think you are making a great choice in the long run. If you decide not to buy it back call me and tell me what you want for it because I may be interested in it.
I would say go for it, but do check the cost of the schooling vs the yearly salary after you are done? Will it be worth it? You have to do in life what ever makes you happy, remember you get one go at it so make it count! What ever you decide I wish you good luck, and remember even if you don't own a busa you are always welcome here.
(Blue Streak @ Apr. 26 2007,11:13) Sorry to see your not going to fix it Ben but I think you are making a great choice in the long run. If you decide not to buy it back call me and tell me what you want for it because I may be interested in it.
Well... Thants 2 people interested in the busa if it's not rebuilt by me. I'll let ya know Derek.
Glad to see your reflecting and thinking about your future. My opinion though, since you love motorcycles so much is that you should fix it, if it is fixable and ride. You may not want to ride the same bike but you dont want this accident to linger and keep you from getting back in the saddle. I too have thought about MMI but its the salary that keeps me from doing it. Plus i still have 5 more years left in the Air Force until i retire!
Yamahor, judging by the pics, it's fixable. Local 22 year old just completely destroyed an '07 and the insurance company is rebuilding it. Motor and frame are all that's intact. I mean it broke the kickstand and shifter off, etc.
Yamahor, I don't know if it's insurance related or what, I know you're not worried about getting back in the saddle, because you love it to much and ride to dayum good.

Go to school, education is a good thing. You might keep your day job and work bikes for a while at the house. Business is a big venture my brother and it takes capital, lots of coin. Great thing to do.
my lord man...lifes it.

you're too damn young to be "planning for the future"..and i'm too old!

Here and now...all the way...tomorrow is nothing more than a promise...especially with "global warming" issues being all the buzz...imagine that? studied hard and graduated head of your class year at MMI...just before internal combustion engines (especially those in "pleasure Vehicles") were..."Globally Banned"

Live...L8R, Bill.
Sounds like a plan yamahor, but don't give up on the bike. Look to see exactly what parts you need. Post it up on here, and I'm willing to bet that we can make your rebuild as painless as possible. I have some stock parts laying around that I would be willing to give you dude. Just hang in there dude because we won't let you go out like that. So quit d!ckin' around and post up needed parts...