my new puppy

I remember mine when she was that small. I have 2 Pitts - great dogs.
Make sure you get her shots & keep her away from parks or other public places. Pitts get Parvo easier than most other breeds & it is fatal in puppies.
They grow up fast. Piper went from puppy to dog fast.


great looking dog and great pics too. she has had her shots. de wormed a couple times. parvo and some plus7 shot i don't remember the name of it and them some oral med for heart worm prevention. I was wanting to take her with me to the lake or something when she gets older. I assume thats what u mean is keep her outta public as a puppy. Thanks for everythink i still have a ton 2 learn
Is she your first pit? If so, you'll find that you bond with her in a way that you have never done with another breed of dog. Show her plenty of love and compassion and she'll love you back tenfold:beerchug:
+1 on that. pit bulls are absolutely WONDERFUL dogs. sad they get so much bad press though. I have yet to meet one that i didnt like.
Is she your first pit? If so, you'll find that you bond with her in a way that you have never done with another breed of dog. Show her plenty of love and compassion and she'll love you back tenfold:beerchug:

yes she's my first pit and i really appreciate what u said
yes she's my first pit and i really appreciate what u said

No problem. I'm just saying whats true. Daisy and Duke were the greatest dogs I've ever had the pleasure of owning. There was just something about them that they just grabbed ahold of my heart and wouldn't let go. You're going to have people tell you how you should be ready to get attacked by her at any moment and whatever other B.S. they wanna feed you but you can laugh because until they own one, they'll never understand what wonderful dogs they really are!
Pit bulls are what you make them. I've had several and not one problem. OH WAIT. I did have one that caught my dad's birddog one time but that was a fluke. I got him off and all was well. You will love that dog. they are very protective. No Chains. Be carefull about that. They do have a bad rep. But people cause that.