My odessey so far,bike shopping...

Bike two....dude in Toledo, communicated for 3 days, then told him I was coming on the Friday,he decides to sell the bike at the dealership instead,tells me if I want the bike, I have to go buy it from the dealership....

What busa was this? I might have known the guy or seen the bike before. Rep my city.

What is the bike you desire? I can keep an eye out.
I don't think it's what you're looking for, but I've got a 2005 Gen I (red and black) with 14K miles on it that I was going to sell in the spring. I'm just across the lake from you in the Rochester area. Drop me a line if you'd like.

Either way, good luck in your search and ride safe.

I have a friend selling a really nice custom painted 05' Busa. I want to say the color is really dark blue, almost black. It has some mods like Genmar risers, Humpp mod with grab bars, Full Yosh with new carbon fiber can. I think he might only want $6K. If I could get the bike I would.

The bike is in Va. You can reach me at 540-223-3785 Paul
Here's the bike I'm talking about. This was before I rebuilt the exhaust can with the carbon fiber sleeve. The bike is also lowered alittle and is stretched 6inches. It can easily be put back to stock.

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Thanks, Gmbusa. I am trying to stay away from custom paint or chromed anything. Because what I do with my bikes is load them up with tents and camp chairs and Therma-rests,bungee nets and assorted bits and pieces.

and then I ride down gravel roads in campgrounds,through mud and dusty country roads,and frankly,keeping chrome clean just takes away from riding time.

And then I go and buy big bags of dog food and bungee that for me its not about customy,chrome-y add-ons. And because I use it in such a work horse kind of a way, I am staying away from the dark colors as they show every little scratch and nick.

White is SEXY!!!! ( and practical..)
What busa was this? I might have known the guy or seen the bike before. Rep my city.

What is the bike you desire? I can keep an eye out.

It was a white Gen 1. I kinda don't care that much if it's a Gen 1 or Gen 2. here is something else as well....I had already bought a SW Motech top box rack and Givi topbox for the white busa 3 days away from me. I got a decent deal on it and I was pretty excited about fitting it with hard bags all around.

I would rather not give out any more specifics than that, I don't want to slam an individual, what's done is done.