My review of the movie 300

(yamahor @ Mar. 12 2007,19:02)
(PaNDeM1C @ Mar. 12 2007,19:49)
(thrasherfox @ Mar. 12 2007,18:43) Thanks Ben.. yep that was pretty much how I took it... in Pan's mind if you like the movie you were either a teenager or a Moron.. that was pretty simple to interpret.

I guess all teenagers should be insulted also since he grouped morons and teenagers in the same category..
300 is mindless. That's a fact... not an opinion.

Does that make it bad? NO! I said I liked it! I said that right from the start. Why would I insult myself by saying only morons liked it? So read everything I said about the movie again... or just take my word for it.

I liked the movie... I just didn't love it.

Seriously though, it's not a mindless movie. It was pretty well based on facts in history. They followed history as closely as possible from what I understand. It was pretty educational coming at it from the viewpoint of that actually happened (for the most part)
Read some books if you actually think 300 is a history lesson... it's not. The look of the film and so much of it was just based on the graphic novel (to give it eye candy appeal). Yes, the actual events happened... sort of. The film just exaggerated them a great deal and takes more than its share of artistic liberties to stretch the truth (visually and dramaticly).

Maaaaaaannnnn!!! now I'm really gonna have to see this movie THIS WEEK so I can have my own opinion and get in on this heated debate...
(yamahor @ Mar. 12 2007,13:04) I can't wait till it comes back on TV.
History Channels next airing of "Last Stand of the 300" is on Friday March 30th, 8am & 2pm.

If you enjoyed this, you may want to check out this 1962 movie, "The 300 Spartans".

(Hy_Rolr @ Mar. 12 2007,23:36) Maaaaaaannnnn!!! now I'm really gonna have to see this movie THIS WEEK so I can have my own opinion and get in on this heated debate...
Do like I did.. read the wikipedia link I posted first to know what is considered historical fact then go check out the movie.

At least for me the movie had meaning understanding what was fact and what was probably fiction.
(PaNDeM1C @ Mar. 12 2007,22:47)
(yamahor @ Mar. 12 2007,19:02)
(PaNDeM1C @ Mar. 12 2007,19:49)
(thrasherfox @ Mar. 12 2007,18:43) Thanks Ben.. yep that was pretty much how I took it... in Pan's mind if you like the movie you were either a teenager or a Moron.. that was pretty simple to interpret.

I guess all teenagers should be insulted also since he grouped morons and teenagers in the same category..
300 is mindless. That's a fact... not an opinion.

Does that make it bad? NO! I said I liked it! I said that right from the start. Why would I insult myself by saying only morons liked it? So read everything I said about the movie again... or just take my word for it.

I liked the movie... I just didn't love it.

Seriously though, it's not a mindless movie. It was pretty well based on facts in history. They followed history as closely as possible from what I understand. It was pretty educational coming at it from the viewpoint of that actually happened (for the most part)
Read some books if you actually think 300 is a history lesson... it's not. The look of the film and so much of it was just based on the graphic novel (to give it eye candy appeal). Yes, the actual events happened... sort of. The film just exaggerated them a great deal and takes more than its share of artistic liberties to stretch the truth (visually and dramaticly).
Did you even read the wikipedia link I posted? have you read ANYTHING concerning the battle at Thermopylae?

I am thinking you didn't because if you did you would realize that pretty much everything that is historical fact was in the movie and then they used imagination to fill in the gaps.

I guess the reason I am irritated is you seem to be going out of your way to be a jerk about this.

I saw your post about the movie, I had a totally different view than yours, so much so I decided not to say anything in your thread because I specifically wanted to avoid a pissing contest.

Was trying to show you some courtesy. I have no idea why you felt so compelled to come in here and be insulting like you have. And I cant believe you tried to turn this around and say YOU have been insulted..

And I thought you said you were going to stay out of any threads I posted? guess your word doesn't account for much either does it?

(PaNDeM1C @ Mar. 13 2007,01:47)
(yamahor @ Mar. 12 2007,19:02)
(PaNDeM1C @ Mar. 12 2007,19:49)
(thrasherfox @ Mar. 12 2007,18:43) Thanks Ben.. yep that was pretty much how I took it... in Pan's mind if you like the movie you were either a teenager or a Moron.. that was pretty simple to interpret.

I guess all teenagers should be insulted also since he grouped morons and teenagers in the same category..
300 is mindless. That's a fact... not an opinion.

Does that make it bad? NO! I said I liked it! I said that right from the start. Why would I insult myself by saying only morons liked it? So read everything I said about the movie again... or just take my word for it.

I liked the movie... I just didn't love it.

Seriously though, it's not a mindless movie. It was pretty well based on facts in history. They followed history as closely as possible from what I understand. It was pretty educational coming at it from the viewpoint of that actually happened (for the most part)
Read some books if you actually think 300 is a history lesson... it's not. The look of the film and so much of it was just based on the graphic novel (to give it eye candy appeal). Yes, the actual events happened... sort of. The film just exaggerated them a great deal and takes more than its share of artistic liberties to stretch the truth (visually and dramaticly).
Okay, it's obvious they used their imaginations, as I dont know of anyone that has Swords for arms... But looking at it as a whole, not the small stuff like those scenes, it was pretty well historicaly accurate. The facts of them fighting off the army for a week, and the betrayal, and the stuff in Sparta was pretty much based on history. If you can't tell what stuff they took creative liberties with and what they didn't, you got some problems. (Not knocking you specifacally, using you as a geberal description) That was actually one thing that bugged me about it, was the stuff that was OBVIOUSLY not true. (Sword arm guy, for one)

And I'd say it probably does add to the overall experience if you know a bit of background before just jumping in...

Thanks for the link Ron
I can't wait to see the movie, been looking forward to it for weeks  

Because I have limited intelligence and hang around teenagers  
(Charlesbusa @ Mar. 13 2007,10:40) I can't wait to see it  

Because I have limited intelligence and hang around teenagers  
Sneakin' in beer like I am?!

(VaBusa @ Mar. 13 2007,07:41)
(Charlesbusa @ Mar. 13 2007,10:40) I can't wait to see it  

Because I have limited intelligence and hang around teenagers  
Sneakin' in beer like I am?!  
And popcorn chicken!!!

That stuff rocks

(Charlesbusa @ Mar. 13 2007,07:40) I can't wait to see the movie, been looking forward to it for weeks  

Because I have limited intelligence and hang around teenagers  
Thats what I'm talkin about!!!


(Charlesbusa @ Mar. 13 2007,10:42)
(VaBusa @ Mar. 13 2007,07:41)
(Charlesbusa @ Mar. 13 2007,10:40) I can't wait to see it  

Because I have limited intelligence and hang around teenagers  
Sneakin' in beer like I am?!  
And popcorn chicken!!!

That stuff rocks  
I'll be by the exit door outside; don't feel like paying for a ticket...let me in! LOL

man... HISTORY bores me to sleep. But I'll see this movie simply cuz it LOOKS cool. I expect nothing more than COOL LOOKS, and some decent action, some more average computer generated entertainment. Braveheart is in my top10, and I don't expect 300 to be anything like it.
300 is easily one of my favorite movies of all time. Sure it's not the biggest thinking mans movie ever made, but if you're going to a movie based around battle, and a comic book. Well, you know it's not going to be a real thought provoker. Just enough plot to get the main characters from one great line to the next.
I saw it opening night at midnight. Got out of it at 2:15, had work at 7:30. Could not get to sleep until almost 4 in the morning. I'm going to see it again tonight.
Can't wait.
(VaBusa @ Mar. 13 2007,07:45)
(Charlesbusa @ Mar. 13 2007,10:42)
(VaBusa @ Mar. 13 2007,07:41)
(Charlesbusa @ Mar. 13 2007,10:40) I can't wait to see it  

Because I have limited intelligence and hang around teenagers  
Sneakin' in beer like I am?!  
And popcorn chicken!!!

That stuff rocks  
I'll be by the exit door outside; don't feel like paying for a ticket...let me in!  LOL
No problem as long as your bringing the beer

well, now I'm even going to see the movie. Not because of this thread, though...... I'm going to see the movie because it pissed the Iranians off. Must be good AND factual.....