My teaser pics

That is great that you are still willing and able to ride. Congrats to you for not giving up.:thumbsup::thumbsup: I am looking forward to seeing the finished product.
way to go Dewie, thats awesome, keep us updated on the progress of your bike, im sure there are lots of people that would be interested in what your doing.:thumbsup:
I am a newbie here so I hadn't seen the post you linked. Holly cow, bro! Glad you are still with us. What a shot that bucket took. I just wanted to convey my respect and admiration for your courage and determination to climb back in the saddle. I could only hope to be so strong in the same situation. My hat is off to you sir and I will be watching your progress. :bowdown:

I am not usually one to preach anything at anyone, but if this isn't motivation to wear your helmet I don't know what is. My neighbor posted on FB yesterday morning that she was on a flight to AZ and but wouldn't say why. She just asked for thoughts and prayers to go out to her family. I spoke with her husband in the afternoon and he told me that her brother had been in a motorcycle accident while not wearing a helmet. Apparently, a practice he frequents. The accident was minor and the damage was major. He is still unconscious in ICU. Be safe out there guys and girls. I look forward to riding with some of you in the future!
