My thoughts

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First of all I havn't spoke anything on this board until now since my last post. The person that was suppose to give me back the parts, decided not to let me have them. So I have tried to figure what was best to do in this situation, my conclusion has been regardless what I do, it will not be good enough. I guess you can say I have been Blackballed, Marked whatever this board chooses to do.
The fact of the matter is regardless what anyone thinks or believes I have tried to resolve this matter. Those around here who know me , know what my family has had to go through in recent weeks, and those that claim they know me and run there mouth, well thats what there doing!
I posted a thread to let eveyone see it, and the fact of the matter is RSD took it off right afterwards. That was his choice, Im not getting into another internet war with him or anyone else. I don't have to explain or show proof of nothing to anyone including this board, if people want facts then I suggest lets take it to the courts and I will prove without a shadow of a doubt my case when it comes to my family and the trauma we've have incurred.
I have tried to allow time to let this cool off and people take a chill, and it appears this hasn't been the case In most of the parts, people are still talking but not making threads about it.
I feel strongly that this should have been kept between Jeremy and myself, if this board knew the deals I have made on here and I got screwed, but I never said a word too anyone period it was my issue.
Its kinda like you and your spouse get into it and you go running your mouth or she does, well down the road you may work it out, but those whom you went to running your mouth, they still will hold hard feelings,towards one or the other thats just the way things go.

Now Im going to set the record straight once a for all, this situation is soley between Jeremy and myself, know one else period, and if this board feels they need to banned me then so be it!
Every conversation that has took place on this board concerning me and Jeremy I have got copied and saved and well documented and trust me I will take it further if need be.
About an hour ago I recieved a phone call from a board member whom stated that the upcoming event Busa Bash that alot of bikes was going to come to my house, and in his words and I quote he was told personally that my life was endangered, and he didn't even want to ride with me anymore, because he was afraid that he would get implicated in such an event.
He is concerned about my welfare and being and is afraid that somebody will literally try to take me out of this world!
In closing Im going to say this and this goes to anyone on this board, I suggest during the Busa Bash or any other time, If your name isn't Jeremy you better not be showing up at my door, because I will do whatever I have to, to protect my family as well as myself. Like I have said a thousand times this is between me and him period! I will be going down and making an official report of all of this today, just for the records. Im not going to come on this board and get bashed, or threatened by anyone, whether it be on a thread or a personal PM.
Futhermore I was also told my address was given out to alot of people, and the reason I know this is because the person whom contacted me this morning, didn't even know my address until today, and he told me just to prove a point, so again I will hold this board and its members responsible for anything that may happen to me or my family. I purposely changed my phone number due to threats that was given, I have never beat anyone out of a dime on this board or in my shop. I have literally tried to be a service to this board and its members, and all I see now is cheap shots taken at me, and people snubbing there noses. Im not perfect nor is anyone else on this board, people tend to forget that I didn't finish the work due to circumstances, but I did say I would fix it, that should have been enough.
So in closing I will say this, and I quote " often the good that men do is forgotten and the evil lives forever!" There is not one single person on this board that has not been in a situation that went wrong, if you say that isn't so your a liar and you need to quit kidding yourself!
And like I said in an earlier thread to this board, This board owes me nothing, and for whatever this board spent on the behalf of my daughter I have no problem giving that back to this board and then Captain you see to it that those who donated are given back to them.
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